Reference Collection

Reference Collection

SL Title Author ISBN Date Publisher
1Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools /Boothroyd, Geoffrey .9781138502246 | 15744465922024-12-09 02:00:06CRC / Taylor & Francis ,
2Microeconomic theory :Henderson, James Mitchell,0070582475 | 97800705824772024-12-09 02:00:05 TataMcGraw-Hill,
3Theory and problems in financial management /Khan, M. Y.00746368392024-12-04 02:00:05Tata McGraw-Hill,
4Complex variables :Ablowitz, Mark J.0521480582 (hb) | 0521485231 (pbk.)2024-12-04 02:00:04Cambridge University Press,
5Physical geology :McGeary, David.0072463279 (hard copy : acidfree paper) | 00729434832024-12-03 02:00:04McGraw-Hill,
6Physical Chemistry /Atkins, Peter97801988147402024-11-28 13:36:35Oxford University Press ,
7Miller's Review of Orthopadics /Miller, Mark D.97803236097842024-11-19 12:49:15Elsevier,
8 The Future manager :Khanna, Satish0074637770 | 97800746377772024-11-05 02:00:03Tata McGraw-Hill ;
9Magic Of Stainless Steel :Zaheer, Rima [Editor]97881743646092024-10-26 20:03:02Roli Books; | Jindal Stainless
10Accident Analysis for Nuclear Power Plants/ 2024-10-24 21:11:43International Atomic Energy Agency
11Artificial Intelligence :Poole, David L.,97810092581972024-10-24 20:45:24Cambridge University Press,
12 Carpets of the Art Deco era /Day,Susan.97805005179562024-10-24 20:38:53Thames and Hudson,
13Art Deco collectibles :Capstick-Dale, Rodney,9780500518311 | 05005183192024-10-24 18:40:08Thims and Hudson
14Detail in Contemporary Concrete Architecture /Phillips, David.97817806700962024-10-24 18:34:04Laurence King Pub.,
15Bengal Stream :97838561684382024-10-24 18:27:40 Christoph Merian Verlag, [Basel],
16Computer Modeling of Water Distribution Systems.Cooper, James P.,97816257625282024-10-24 18:20:43American Water Works Association;
17Fundamentals of Ground Engineering /Atkinson, John,9781482206173 | 148220617X (paperback)2024-10-24 18:12:33CRC Press;
18Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture /Venturi, Robert.0870702815 | 0870702823 (pbk.)2024-10-24 18:04:56Museum of Modern Art ; | distributed by New York Graphic Society,
19Architecture :Makstutis, Geoffrey97818566962342024-10-24 18:03:25Laurence King Publishing,
20Ore deposit geology /Ridley, John,9781107022225 (hardback) | 1107022223 (hardback)2024-10-24 13:49:08Cambridge University Press;
21Fluid mechanics and thermodynamics of turbomachinery /Dixon, S. L.0124159540 (hardcover) | 9780124159549 (hardcover)2024-10-23 21:39:36Elsevier
22Mining Economics and Strategy /Runge, Ian C.0873351657 | 9780873351652 | 9780873352918 (E-book)2024-10-23 20:46:55SME,
23Transportation Tunnels /Ponnuswamy, S.9781138029811 | 9781498785488 | 97803675748332024-10-23 20:36:55CRC Press,
24River Engineering :Kumar, Santosh97893861737992024-10-23 09:05:11Khanna Book Pub ,
25Introduction to artificial intelligence /Charniak, Eugene.0201119455 : | 97881317030692024-10-23 02:00:03Addison-Wesley,
26Landscape Detailing /Littlewood, Michael.0750613041 (v. 1) : | 0750613033 (v. 2) :2024-10-22 18:57:54Butterworth Architecture,
27Elements of spacecraft design /Brown,Charles D.1563475243 | 97815634752452024-10-22 18:55:53AIAA ,
28Theory And Applications Of Ocean Surface Waves :Mei, Chiang C.9789812388933 | 9812388931 | 9789812561589 | 9812561587 | 9789812561596 | 98125615952024-10-21 14:00:25World Scientific ,
29Theory And Applications Of Ocean Surface Waves :Mei, Chiang C.9789812388933 | 9812388931 | 978982561572 | 9812561579 | 9789812561565 | 98125615602024-10-21 13:33:30World Scientific ,
30Theory And Applications Of Ocean Surface Waves :Mei, Chiang C.9789812388933 | 9812388931 | 978982561572 | 9812561579 | 9789812561565 | 98125615602024-10-21 13:33:28World Scientific ,
31Nuclear Chemistry/ Sharon, Maheshwar97830306202022024-10-21 09:15:32Ane Books,
32Market leadership strategies for service companies :Terrill, Craig.08442244132024-10-21 02:00:03NTC Business Books,
33The complete fairy tales /Perrault, Charles,9780199236831 | 01992368362024-10-07 02:00:03Oxford University Press,
34Ultimate spa :Chapman, Judy,97807946026592024-09-17 10:09:26Periplus ; | Distributed by Tuttle Pub.,
35Pressure transient testing /Lee, John15556309952024-09-17 09:58:33Henry L. Doherty Memorial Fund of AIME, Society of Petroleum Engineers,
36Seismic InversionSen, Mrinal K. 2024-09-15 12:51:34SPE
37Reservoir Simulation : Problems and Solutions : /Ertekin, Turgay,97816139969352024-09-15 12:39:17Society of Petroleum Engineers
38Rapid Prototyping :Chua, Chee Kai97800009875702024-09-15 09:26:37World Scientific ,
39 Marvels of the Modern World /Ahearn, Alison 97807495480182024-09-15 09:07:06AA publishing;
40New Directions in Contemporary Architecture: Puglisi , Luigi Prestinenza97804705189082024-09-14 18:11:06John Wiley & Sons
41Principles of structures /Hanaor, Ariel.0632042621 (pbk.) | 97806320426232024-09-14 17:52:20Blackwell Science,
42100 Marvels of the Modern World/ 2024-09-14 17:02:35
43100 Marvels of the Modern WorldAhearn, Alison 2024-09-14 16:44:43AA publishing
44100 Marvels Of Modern World/ Ahearn, Alison 97807495480182024-09-14 16:37:30AA Publishing;
45The Power of Positive Leadership /Gordon, Jon9781119351979 | 9781119352037 | 97811193517022024-09-09 02:00:02John Wiley & Sons ,
46Masterworks of Architectural Drawing from the Albertina Museum: Benedik, Christian,97837913572182024-09-08 14:13:02Albertina Publishing,
47The art of perspective :Metzger, Philip W.,9781581808551 (pbk.) | 1581808550 (pbk.)2024-09-08 13:50:49North Light Books,
48Continous and Discrete Signals and Systems /S Soliman, Samir 81203230762024-09-07 13:18:32 Prentice Hall of India,
49Heat and Mass Transfer :�Cengel, Yunus A.0073398128 (alk. paper) | 9780073398129 (alk. paper) | 9780077366643 (hbk.) | 0077366646 (hbk.) | 97800710778662024-09-06 17:15:51McGraw-Hill,
50The Western humanities /Matthews, Roy T.0072556323 (pbk.) | 0072556307 (v. 1) | 0072556315 (v. 2) | 0072931760 (hardbound)2024-09-03 02:00:03McGraw-Hill,
51Indian architecture :Brown , Percy.97881239245642024-09-03 02:00:03CBS Publishers & Distributors ,
52Mediterranean landscape design :Jones, Louisa.9780500516119 (hbk.) | 0500516111 (hbk.)2024-09-02 12:56:19Thames & Hudson,
53Practical Ship Design /Watson , David G.M.9780080440545 | 0080429998 | 97800804299912024-09-02 10:13:37Elsevier ,
5450+ vacation homes/ Boekel, Andrea19207449912024-09-02 09:27:28Images ,
55Modern House 2 /Melhuish, Clare.07148398762024-09-01 14:50:31Phaidon,
56SME Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Handbook Vol-2 /Robert C. Dunne 97808733538542024-09-01 14:39:58
57SME Mineral Processing & Extractive Metallurgy Handbook Vol-1 /Robert C. Dunne 97808733538542024-09-01 13:11:07
58Analysis of oil and gas production performance /Poston, Steven W.,97816139966522024-09-01 12:46:30Society of Petroleum Engineers
59Indoor green :Claffey, Bree,97805005010612024-09-01 12:37:51Thames & Hudson Australia
60Lingerie Design : Powell, Pamela9781780677910 2024-09-01 12:34:28Laurence King Publishing,
61The Architectural Drawing Course :Zell, Mo97805003438242024-09-01 10:55:43Thames & Hudson ,
62Buddhist Art and Architecture /Fisher, Robert E.97805002026542024-08-19 12:53:20Thames & Hudson ,
63Buddhist Art and Architecture /Fisher, Robert E.97805002026542024-08-19 12:49:30Thames & Hudson ,
64Buddhist Art and Architecture /Fisher, Robert E.97805002026542024-08-19 12:48:19Thames & Hudson ,
65Buddhist Art and Architecture /Fisher, Robert E.97805002026542024-08-19 12:47:11Thames & Hudson ,
66Risk Management :Rendu, Jean-Michel9780873354486 | 97808733544932024-08-19 12:34:59Society for Mining Metallurgy & Exploration (SME),
67Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing :Groover, Mikell P.9781119706427 | 9781119706434 | 97811197670222024-08-19 11:22:51John Wiley & Sons ,
68Essentials of Soil Mechanics and Foundations :McCarthy, David F.97893325420202024-08-19 09:55:56Pearson Education ,
69Research Methods :Lazar , Jonathan .97801280539042024-08-16 02:00:06Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann ,
70Geography :English, Paul Ward.0314029052 (alk. paper) | 0314036679 (student ed. : alk. paper) | 0314030255 (teacher's wraparound ed : alk. paper)2024-08-16 02:00:05West Pub. Co.,
71A history of political theory /Sabine, George Holland,00308030552024-08-16 02:00:05Dryden Press, | Oxford & IBH Publishing,
72International negotiation :0312217781 (cloth)2024-08-16 02:00:05Macmillan Press,
73Revolutionizing IT :Andrews, David H.04712504142024-08-16 02:00:05Wiley,
74Graph drawing :Wismath , Stephen .97833190384072024-08-16 02:00:05Springer ;
75King of capital :Stone, Amey,0471214167 (cloth : alk. paper)2024-08-16 02:00:05Wiley,
76Writer's choice : Royster, Jacqueline Jones.0026357356 | 9780026357357 2024-08-16 02:00:05Glencoe,
77World Geography :Boehm, Richard G.0028229959(student ed.) | 0028229975(teacher's ed.)2024-08-16 02:00:05Glencoe/ McGraw-Hill,
78Literature and language arts :Warriner, John E.9780030992261 | 00309922652024-08-16 02:00:05 Holt, Rinehart & Winston,
79Using DOS 4 / Jamsa, Kris0078814707 2024-08-16 02:00:05Osborne McGraw-Hill,
80Transact-SQL programming / . Kline, Kevin 8173660816 | 97881736608182024-08-16 02:00:05Shroff,
81Database Management ConceptsAdamski,Joseph j9788131518458 | 81315184502024-08-16 02:00:05Cengage Learning ,
82Artificial intelligence :Poole, David L.97805215190072024-08-16 02:00:05Cambridge University ,
83Director 8 and Lingo Bible /Nyquist, John R.81265015962024-08-16 02:00:05IDG Books
84The image processing handbook /Russ, John C.9781498740265 | 97811387474942024-08-16 02:00:05CRC Press ,
85Applied optimization with MATLAB programming /Venkataraman, P.97804700848852024-08-16 02:00:05John Wiley & Sons ,
86Charles Schwab :Kador, John.0471224073 (hc)2024-08-16 02:00:04J. Wiley,
87Storm center :O'Brien, David M.0393927040 (pbk.)2024-08-16 02:00:04W.W. Norton,
88Motivational marketing :Imbriale, Robert.9780470116357 (cloth)2024-08-16 02:00:04John Wiley & Sons,
89Coach yourself to success :Moglia, Joseph H.,0471719846 (cloth)2024-08-16 02:00:04J. Wiley,
90Voice of reason :Owens, Ronn.047148282X (cloth : alk. paper) | 97804714828262024-08-16 02:00:04John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
91The search for life in the universe /Goldsmith, Donald.1891389165 (acidfree paper)2024-08-16 02:00:04University Science Books,
92The IT value network :Read, Tony J.,9780470422793 (cloth) | 0470422793 (cloth)2024-08-16 02:00:04John Wiley & Sons,
93Campus confidential :Miller, Robert H.9780787978556 | 0787978558 (pbk.)2024-08-16 02:00:04Jossey-Bass,
94366 days in Abraham Lincoln's presidency :Wynalda, Stephen A.9781602399945 | 16023999482024-08-16 02:00:04Skyhorse Pub.,
95Own the world :Anderson, Aaron,9780470285381 (cloth) | 0470285389 (cloth)2024-08-16 02:00:04John Wiley,
96Western civilizations :Coffin, Judith G.,0393925587 | 97803939255862024-08-16 02:00:04W.W. Norton,
97The art of public speaking /Lucas, Stephen,0072315695 (student ed. : alk. paper) | 0072383917 (instructor's ed. : alk. paper) | 0071180036 (International ed. : alk. paper)2024-08-16 02:00:04McGraw Hill,
98Analyzing moral issues /Boss, Judith A.,0767420225 (alk. paper)2024-08-16 02:00:04McGraw Hill,
99Teachers, schools, and society /Sadker, Myra.00722879502024-08-16 02:00:04McGraw-Hill,
100Buy and hold is dead :Kee, Thomas H.9780470458419 (cloth) | 0470458410 (cloth)2024-08-16 02:00:04John Wiley,
101Prentice Hall World History :Ellis, Elisabeth Gaynor.01380327182024-08-16 02:00:04Prentice Hall ;
102Boardroom realities :9780470391785 (cloth) | 0470391782 (cloth)2024-08-16 02:00:04Jossey-Bass,
103Eisenhower on leadership :Axelrod, Alan,0787982385 (cloth) | 9780787982386 (cloth)2024-08-16 02:00:04Jossey-Bass,
104The art of intrusion :Mitnick, Kevin D.07645695972024-08-16 02:00:04Wiley,
105Mind over matter :Baker, Ronald J.9780470053614 | 04700536152024-08-16 02:00:04John Wiley & Sons Inc.,
106American government :Lowi, Theodore J.9780393930825 (hardcover) | 0393930823 (hardcover) | 978039113839 (hardcover)2024-08-16 02:00:04W.W. Norton,
107The Norton anthology of English literature /039397619X | 0393961508 (pbk.)2024-08-16 02:00:04Norton,
108The architect's handbook of professional practice /0471419699 (alk. paper)2024-08-16 02:00:04J. Wiley,
109Wharton on making decisions /0471382477 (alk. paper)2024-08-16 02:00:04Wiley,
110Communication matters /Mccutcheon, Randall2024-08-16 02:00:04West Publishig,
111Public speaking today /Carlin, Diana B.,08442563072024-08-16 02:00:04National Textbook Co.,
112The Norton introduction to literature /03939768742024-08-16 02:00:04W.W. Norton,
113The adaptable house :Friedman, Avi,00713774682024-08-16 02:00:03McGraw-Hill,
114Creativity at work :DeGraff, Jeffrey Thomas.0787957259 (alk. paper)2024-08-16 02:00:03Jossey-Bass, A Wiley Company,
115Live long & prosper! :Vernon, Steve.0471683442 (pbk.)2024-08-16 02:00:03John Wiley & Sons,
116Advanced wireless networks :Glisic, Savo.047074250X (hbk.) | 9780470742501 (hbk.)2024-08-16 02:00:03Wiley,
117PSPICE and MATLAB for electronics :Attia, John O.0849312639 (alk. paper)2024-08-16 02:00:03CRC Press,
118Leading by example :Richardson, Bill,9780470186374 (cloth) | 0470186372 (cloth)2024-08-16 02:00:03Wiley,
119Great people decisions :Fernandez Araoz, Claudio.9780470037263 (cloth) | 0470037261 (cloth)2024-08-16 02:00:03John Wiley & Sons,
120Ethical issues in modern medicine /Steinbock, Bonnie.0767420160 (alk. paper) | 139780767420167 | 1007674201602024-08-16 02:00:03McGraw-Hill,
121Cognitive neuroscience :Gazzaniga, Michael S.03939777732024-08-16 02:00:03Norton,
122Literature :DiYanni, Robert.0072881844 (alk. paper) | 0072558067 (hard cover)2024-08-16 02:00:03McGraw-Hill,
123Eye of the whale :Russell, Dick.1559630884 | 97815596308872024-08-16 02:00:03Simon & Schuster,
124We the people :Ginsberg, Benjamin.9780393928525 | 03939285272024-08-16 02:00:03W.W. Norton & Co.,
125Goal-free living :Shapiro, Stephen M.,0471772801 (cloth) | 97804717728042024-08-16 02:00:03John Wiley & Sons,
126Plasma Physics and Controlled Nuclear Fusion /Miyamoto, K.9783540242178 | 35402421712024-08-04 11:50:40Springer ,.
127Gayton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology /Hall, John E.97814557700522024-08-01 10:57:11Elsevier ,
128Construction Planning, Equipment, and Methods /Peurifoy, R. L.00729642002024-07-24 10:26:17McGraw-Hill Higher Education,
129Nonlinear Fiber Optics /Agrawal, G. P.9780123695161 (alk. paper) | 0123695163 (alk. paper) | 97881312151662024-07-24 09:46:29Elsevier / Academic Press,
130Design Drawing /Ching , Francis D.K.9781119508533 | 9781119508595 | 97811195085882024-07-16 02:00:03John Wiley & Sons ,
131Fundamentals of engineering chemistry :Singh, S K.81224141682024-07-10 02:00:04New Age,
132ডিফারেন্সিয়াল ক্যালকুলাস :ইউসুফ, মোঃ আবু।2024-07-10 02:00:04মামুন ব্রাদার্স ,
133A thousand tribes :Lissak, Robin Itzchak,04712228362024-07-09 02:00:03Wiley,
134Cryptography and network security :Stallings, William.97881775877462024-07-01 02:00:03Dorling Kindersley,
135ঊচ্চমাধ্যমিক পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান :তপন ,শাহজাহান ।2024-06-03 02:00:03হাসান বুক হাউস ,
136উচ্চমাধ্যমিক পদার্থ বিজ্ঞান (প্রথম পত্র) :হোসেন তফাজ্জল ।2024-06-03 02:00:03বাংলাদেশ বুক করপোরেশন ,
137The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order /Huntington, Samuel P.0684811642 | 014026731X | 97801402673102024-05-21 02:00:03Simon & Schuster ; | Penguin books,
138Fundamentals of Applied Probability and Random Processes /Ibe, Oliver C.9789351073857 | 97801280085222024-05-21 02:00:03Elsevier,
139Computer Architecture : 97893812692202024-05-20 02:00:04Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
140Irrigation engineering :Punmia, B.C.81219212872024-05-03 02:00:08S.Chand ,
141Synthesis of subsonic airplane designTorenbeek, Egbert90247272432024-05-01 02:00:05Kluwer academic publishers,
142Schaum's outline of theory and problems of engineering mechanics :McLean, W. G.0070448167 : | 99714705192024-05-01 02:00:04McGraw-Hill,
143Chemistry :Silberberg, Martin S.0697395979 (acidfree paper) | 06973960022024-04-29 02:00:06McGraw-Hill,
144International management :Beamish, Paul W.02561934952024-04-29 02:00:05Irwin,
145Growth and development : Thirlwall, A. P.0333980883 (cloth) | 1403920532 | 0333980891 (pbk.)2024-04-29 02:00:05Palgrave Macmillan,
146China and India :Sidhu, Waheguru Pal Singh158826193X (alk. paper) | 1588261697 (pbk. : alk. paper)2024-04-29 02:00:05Lynne Rienner Publishers,
147Avoiding disaster : Laye, John.04712291562024-04-25 02:00:05Wiley,
148Cambridge IELTS 3 :9780521678728 (Book plus Audio CD)2024-04-24 02:00:06Cambridge univeristy,
149Cambridge IELTS 4 :9780521678663 (Book plus Audio CD) | 0521678633 (Book plus Audio CD)2024-04-24 02:00:06Cambridge univeristy,
150Cambridge IELTS 6 :9780521720212 (Book plus 2 Audio CDs) | 9780521693080 2024-04-24 02:00:06Cambridge univeristy,
151Cambridge IELTS 9 :9781107644403 (Book plus 2 Audio CDs) | 97811076456222024-04-17 02:00:04Cambridge univeristy,
152Integrated Design And Operation Of Water Treatment Facilities /Kawamura, Susumu.0471350931 | 97804713509342024-04-17 02:00:04John Wiley & Sons ,
153Mathematics for Plumbers and Pipefitters /Smith, Lee.9781111642600 | 11116426052024-04-17 02:00:04Cengage ,
154Introduction to C++ Programming and Graphics /Pozrikidis, C.97814419433782024-04-17 02:00:03Springer ,
155Electric energy systems theory :Elgerd, Olle I.007099286x2024-04-03 02:00:03McGraw-Hill,
156Algorithms in Bioinformatics :Sung , Wing-Kin .97814200703302024-04-02 14:03:09CRC Press .
157Raj Rewal :Rewal , Raj .97893826075712024-03-07 20:24:45OM Books International ,
158Tissue and Organ Regeneration in Adults :Yannas, Ioannis V.9781493950270 | 97814939186522024-02-27 18:04:41Springer,
159 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology /Scanlon, Valerie C.97808036395772024-02-18 13:14:22Davis Company,
160Reinforced Concrete :Wight, James K.9780132176521 | 01321765212024-02-18 13:01:18Pearson ,
161Radiation Oncology Physics :Podgorsak, E.B.92010730462024-02-18 08:25:27International Atomic Energy Agency,
162Reinforced Concrete :Wight, James K. 97801321765212024-02-15 20:49:53Pearson,
163An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling /Bender, Edward A.9780486411804 | 048641180X2024-02-15 18:51:07Dover Publications,
164Nuclear energy now :Herbst, Alan M.,9780470051368 (cloth) | 0470051361 (cloth)2024-01-31 02:00:02John Wiley & Sons,
165Introduction to manufacturing processes /Groover, Mikell P.97804706322842024-01-25 02:00:02John Wiley & Sons ,
166Proceedings of the IABSE-JSCE Joint Conference on Advances in Bridge Engineering-IV /Amin, A.F.M. Saiful (Editor)97898434831332024-01-08 09:38:13Bangladesh Group of IABSE ,
167আধুনিক হাইড্র্রলিক মেশিন /ইসলাম, মোঃ কামরুল।98407506822023-12-25 02:00:03বাংলা একাডেমী ,
168The risks of nuclear energy technology :Kessler, Gunter.97836425511542023-12-18 18:17:24Springer ,
169Computational Fluid Dynamics :Wendt, John F.97836420987342023-12-13 02:00:03Springer,
170Bangladesh, national culture, and heritage :98485090032023-12-13 02:00:02Independent University : | Distributor, Pathak Shamabesh,
171Healing With the Medicine of the Prophet /Al-Jauziyah, Imam Ibn Qayyim 97737200552023-11-30 21:10:43Simply Islam academy,
172Computer Networking :Kurose, James F.97893325854922023-11-27 21:37:06Pearson Education ,
173Turbo C/C++ :Schildt, Herbert.0078817765 | 81763511482023-11-27 21:29:55Osborne McGraw-Hill ,
174Digital Logic & Design /Manhas,Pratima97893501406662023-11-27 21:26:49S.K.Kataria & sons ,
175Computer Architecture and Organization /Carter, Nicholas P.978007014179 | 00701417992023-11-27 21:25:54McGraw Hill ,
176Theory of Computation /Sivanandam, S.N..97893800262062023-11-27 21:24:59I.K. International publishing House,
177Digital Electronics :Maini, Anil K.97881265146632023-11-27 21:21:42John Wiley & Sons,
178Professional Assembly Language /Blum, Richard .97807645790112023-11-27 21:20:38Wiley publishing ,
179Computer Architecture /Blanchet, Gerard.97818482142932023-11-27 21:18:52John Wiley & Sons ,
180Principles of Electronic Devices and Circuits :Theraja, B.L.97881219219922023-11-27 21:17:46S.Chand & Company ,
181Discrete Mathematics :Garnier, Rowan.97814398128082023-11-27 21:16:20CRC Press ,
182Discrete Mathematics with Applications /Epp,Susanna S.9788131533024 | 81315330262023-11-27 21:15:10Cengage Learning ,
183Qualitative Research in Information Systems /Myers, Michael D.07619663232023-11-27 21:13:37Sage Publication ,
184Scientific Research in Information Systems :Recker, Jan.9783642300479 | 97836423004862023-11-27 21:12:14Springer ,
185Reinforced Concrete :Wight,James K97893325757142023-11-27 19:48:29Pearson India Education ,
186Structural Steel for Canadian Buildings :Metten, Andy .97809949121072023-11-27 19:45:01Licensing Agency ,
187An Introduction to Soil Dynamics /Verruijt , Arnold.97890481344032023-11-27 19:40:49Springer ,
188Manual of Tropical Housing and Building :Koenigsberger , O. H.81250110722023-11-27 19:33:59Orient Longman ;
189Modelling Transport /Ortuzar, Juan de Dios.97804707603902023-11-27 19:32:00John Wiley & Sons ,
190Hydraulics of Groundwater /Bear , Jacob .0070041709 | 9789332901919 | 93329019102023-11-27 19:23:26Mc Graw Hill ,
191Groundwater Treatement Technology /Nyer, Evan K.97881239190032023-11-27 19:14:44CBS Publishers & Distributors ,
192Highways :O'Flaterty, C.A.0750650907 | 9788131202777 (Indian reprint) | 8131202771 (Indian reprint)2023-11-27 19:07:35Butterworth-Heinemann /Elesevier,
193Strength of Materials /Bhavikatti,S.S.97893259715782023-11-27 19:00:24Vikas publishing house pvt ltd ,
194Strength of Materials :Rajput, R. K.97893854013672023-11-27 18:59:28S.Chand & Company ,
195Principles of River Engineering : Jansen,P.97890656214672023-11-27 18:57:32VSSD ,
196Designing with Geosynthetics : Vol 1 /Koerner, Robert M.9781462882892 | 9781462882885 | 97814628829082023-11-27 18:55:33Xlibris ,
197Mannual of Steel Construction :15642400022023-11-27 18:54:20AISC ,
198Environmental Control and Public Health :Nesaratnam,Suresh .07492672322023-11-27 18:52:34Milton Keynes MK7 ,
199The Hydraulics of Open Channel Flow :Chanson, Hubert.9780750659789 | 97893822915032023-11-27 18:44:57Butterworth-Heinemann ,
200Design Drawing /Ching , Francis D.K.97881265356512023-11-27 18:42:34John Wiley & Sons ,
201Contemporary Challenges of Transport Systems and Traffic Engineering :Macioszek, Elzbieta.9783319439846 | 97833194398532023-11-27 18:40:22Springer ,
202Mechanics of Materials /Gere, James M.0534030998 | 81239089462023-11-27 18:37:38Brooks/Cole Engineering Division,
203Concrete :Mehta, P. Kumar.9789339204761 | 933920476X2023-11-27 18:36:28McGraw Hill ,
204Groundwater Hydrology : Rushton,K.R.97881265397722023-11-27 18:33:51Wiley & Sons
205A First Course in the Finite Element Method /Logan, Daryl L.9788131517307 | 81315173062023-11-27 18:32:20Cengage Learning ,
206Construction Quantity Surveying :97804706594272023-11-27 18:30:49John Wiley & Sons ,
207A View of River /Leopold, Luna B.0674937325 | 06740184512023-11-27 18:29:14Harvard University,
208Mechanics of Solids and Structures /Rees, David W.A.9781783263950 | 0137261594 | 97817832639672023-11-27 18:26:44Imperial College Press,
209A First Course in thei Fnite Element Method /Logan, Daryl L.9788131517307 | 81315173062023-11-27 18:25:02Cengage Learning ,
210Fluvial Hydrulics /Dingmam,S. Lawrence97801951728672023-11-27 18:23:29Oxford University press,
211Erosion and Sedimentation /Julien, Pierre Y.9780521830386 | 97805215373772023-11-27 18:22:31Cambridge University ,
212Rivers :Richards, Keith.1930665970 | 97819306659722023-11-27 18:21:32The Blacburn Press,
213Sediment Transport Technology :Simons, Daryl B.09183346672023-11-27 18:20:20Water Resources Publications ,
214Airport Engineering :Ashford, Norman J.97881265378082023-11-27 18:15:46John Wiley & Sons ,
215Practical Soil Dynamics :Srbulov , Milutin.97894007131232023-11-27 18:14:25Springer ,
216Fluvial Hydraulics :Graf, Walter H.04719771442023-11-27 18:12:44John Wiley & Sons ,
217Wastewater Engineering :97812590107982023-11-27 17:49:16McGraw-Hill ;
218Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Technology /Cheremisinoff, Paul N.08247927772023-11-27 17:48:03Marcel Dekker ,
219Limit States Design in Structural Steel /Kulak, G. L.97808881122312023-11-27 17:44:32Cisc icca ,
220Site Surveying and Levelling /Clancy, John .97804155029792023-11-27 17:43:30Routledge ,
221Basic Surveying :Whyte, W. S.97807506177102023-11-27 17:39:11Spon Press,
222Surveying Fundamentals and Practices /Nathanson, Jerry A.0134414438 | 97801344144302023-11-27 17:38:12Pearson Education ,
223Basic Coastal Engineering /Sorensen, Robert M.0387233334 | 9781441936103 | 97803872333382023-11-27 17:26:05Springer,
224Planning and Design of Airports /Horonjeff, Robert.97800714464192023-11-27 17:24:55McGraw Hill,
225Seepage, Drainage, and Flow Nets /Cedergren, Harry R.0471611786 | 047118053X2023-11-27 17:23:27John Wiley & Sons ,
226Ductile Design of Steel Structures /Bruneau, Michel.9780071623957 | 00716239572023-11-27 17:21:13Mc Graw-Hill ,
227Air Pollution Control :Cooper, C. David .9781577666783 | 97893840075222023-11-27 17:20:00MedTech ,
228Engineering Surveying /Schofield,W.97811380465352023-11-27 17:18:34Spon Presss ,
229Principles of Soil Dynamics /Das,Braja M.2023-11-27 17:17:28Cengage Learning ,
230Dynamics of Structures /Clough, Ray W. 97881239266362023-11-27 17:16:10CBS Publishers ,
231Open Channel Hydraulics, River Hydraulic Structures and Fluvial Geomorphology :Radecki-Pawlik, Artur .97814987308222023-11-27 17:15:10CRC Press ,
232An Introduction to Traffic Flow Theory /Elefteriadou, Lily .9781461484349 | 97814614843562023-11-27 17:13:23Springer ,
233Introduction to the Theory of Traffic Flow /Leutzbach, Wilhelm .9783642648052 | 97836426135312023-11-27 17:12:07Springer ,
234Environmental Engineering :Mihelcic, James R.97811187414982023-11-27 17:10:32John Wiley & Sons,
235An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids /Crandall,Stephen H.9780071070034 | 00710700362023-11-27 17:08:51McGraw Hill ,
236River Mechanics /Julien, Pierre Y.97811074627792023-11-27 17:07:12Cambridge University Press ,
237Elementary Behaviour of Composite Steel & Concrete Structural Members /Oehlers, Deric J.97807506326902023-11-27 17:05:32CRC Press ,
238Architecture :Ching, Francis D.K.9781118745083 | 9781118745137 | 97811187451992023-11-27 16:58:57John Wiley & Sons ,
239Finite Elements & Approximation /Zienkiewicz, O. C.04864673682023-11-27 16:57:26Dover ,
240Water and Wastewater Engineering : Davis,Mackenzie L.97800733978632023-11-27 16:53:24McGraw Hill ;
241Crash Course in Basic Cataloging with RDA /Moulaison, Heather Lea .9781440837760 | 97814408377772023-11-26 20:42:50Libraries Unlimited ,
242Revive Your Heart2023-11-26 20:34:03Kube Publiushing
243Matlab :Chapman, Stephen J98124060692023-11-24 02:00:03Thomson,
244উচ্চতর গণিত /আহম্মদ, মোঃ সুরুজউদ্দিন।2023-11-10 02:00:03আলফা প্রকাশনী ,
245Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design /Shah, Ramesh K.97804713217122023-10-30 02:00:02John Wiley & Sons ,
246 Practical Guide for Biomedical Signals Analysis Using Machine Learning Techniques : Subasi, Abdulhamit97801281744492023-10-29 14:49:29Academic Press ,
247NANO The Essentials : Pradeep, T.9780071548298 | 007015482972023-10-29 14:29:08Tata McGraw-Hill
248Fundamentals of Amputation Care and Prosthetics /Murphy, Douglas9781936287703 | 97816170511972023-10-29 10:44:34Demos Medical ,
249Measurement & Instrumentation Principles /Morris, Alan S.0750650818 | 97807506508162023-10-29 09:06:28Butterworth-Heinemann ,
250Nuclear Medicine Physics : Bailey, D. L (Editor)97892014381022023-10-28 16:59:50International Atomic Energy Agency ,
251Invasive Cardiology :Watson, Sandy97807637646852023-10-28 16:03:19Jones & Bartlett Learning,
252Strapdown Inertial Navigation Technology /Titterton, David H.0863413587 | 97808634135822023-10-23 09:19:34The Institution of Electrical Engineers ,
253Biological Safety :978555816209 | 97815558196372023-10-23 09:03:21ASM Press ,
254Mastering CAD/CAM /Zeid, Ibrahim.9780070634343 | 00706343432023-10-23 02:00:02McGraw -Hill,
255The Internal-Combustion Engine in Theory and Practice :Taylor, Charles Fayette978262200516 | 97802627002692023-10-22 12:31:00The M.I.T. Press ,
256A Geology for Engineers /Blyth, F. G. H.0713128828 | 97804155029172023-10-22 10:35:12CRC Press,
257Fundamentals of Engineering Electromagnetics /Cheng, David K.97893325351382023-10-20 02:00:03Pearson Education.
258 A Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology /Pradeep, T.9781259007323 | 12590073242023-10-19 13:56:34McGraw-Hill ,
259Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management /Scarborough, Norman M.97893325599812023-10-19 12:16:04Pearson ,
260Management Fundamentals :Lussier, Robert N.9788131518267 | 81315182642023-10-19 11:28:19Cengage Learning ,
261Quality Management for Organizational Excellence :Goetsch, David L.9780133791853 | 01337918532023-10-19 09:57:24Pearson Education ,
262Problems and Solutions in Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles /Peebles, Peyton Z.9781259006357 | 12590063522023-10-17 19:50:13Tata McGraw-Hill ,
263Probability, Random Variables and Random Signal Principles /Peebles, Peyton Z.9780070474284 | 00704742812023-10-17 19:44:35Tata McGraw-Hill ,
264Advanced Differential Equations :Raisinghania, M. D.8121908930 | 97881219089312023-10-12 02:00:05S Chand & Company,
265How to build a nice home /Ibrahim, Md.2023-10-09 02:00:05Design consult,
266The Image of The City /Lynch, Kevin.9780262120043 | 9780262620017 | 0262120046 | 02626200142023-09-28 02:00:11The MIT Press,
267Architectural Graphics /Ching, Francis D.K.9781119035664 (pbk.) | 9781119073383 (pbk.) | 9781119073505 (ebk) | 9781119090991 (ebk)2023-09-28 02:00:11John Wiley & Sons,
268CAD/CAM :Groover, M.9780070634343 | 00706343432023-09-26 02:00:08Pearson Education,
269Behavior in organizations :Greenberg, Jerald.81775800512023-09-19 02:00:05Prentice Hall,
270SME mining engineering handbook :Darling, Peter.9780873352642 | 97808733534102023-09-04 02:00:05Society for Mining,Metallurgy,and Exploration ,
271High Voltage Engineering /Wadhwa, C L.97881224309052023-08-24 02:00:13New Age International,
272Microelectronic circuits :Rashid, Muhammad H.9780495667728 | 0495667722 | 9788131516836 | 81315168302023-08-24 02:00:10Cengage Learning,
273Circuits, devices and systems :Smith, Ralph J.997151172X2023-08-24 02:00:09John wiley & sons,
274Foundation design :Coduto, Donald P.0135897068 | 97881317879772023-08-22 02:00:06Prentice Hall,
275Essential clinical immunology /Zabriskie, John B.9780521516815 | 97805217048922023-08-22 02:00:06Cambridge University Press,
276Surface and Underground Excavations :Tatiya, Ratan Raj.9780415621199 (hbk) | 9781138496163 (pbk)2023-08-20 02:00:04CRC Press,
277Handbook of Industrial and Hazardous Wastes Treatment /Wang, Lawrence K. (Editor)97803672699992023-08-16 13:37:19CRC Press ;
278Fracture Mechanics :Anderson, T. L.97810322921202023-08-16 12:07:13CRC Press ,
279Theory of Computation /Pandey, Adesh K.97893800279822023-08-07 02:00:05S.K. Kataria & Sons ,
280Plumbing :Haq, Syed Azizul .98432294872023-08-03 14:25:02
281Calculas /Anton,Howard9788126564032023-08-03 08:09:04John Wiley & Sons ,
282Engineering Mechanics :Singer, Ferdinand Leon.00604623102023-07-28 02:00:05Harper & Row ,
283 A Brief Introduction to Fluid Mechanics /Hochstein, John I.9781119702771 | 9781119702788 | 97811197671522023-07-27 12:58:08John Wiley & Sons ,
284Basic Biomechanics /Hall, Susan J.9781265748593 | 12657485942023-07-27 11:35:16McGraw-Hill ,
285Fracture Mechanics /Perez, Nestor9783319249971 | 97833192499952023-07-27 10:11:25Springer
286Digital Electronics :Kumar, Virendra97881224389252023-07-27 09:51:59New Age International,
287Introduction to robotics :Craig, John J.97881317183602023-07-27 02:00:05Pearson/Prentice Hall ;
288Engineering Ethics /Fleddermann, Charles B.0132145219 | 97801321452132023-07-17 14:31:00Prentice Hall ,
289Modern Refrigeration and Air Conditioning /Althouse, Andrew Daniel.97816356387832023-06-26 13:28:45Goodheart-Willcox Co.,
290Surveying for Civil and Mine Engineers :Walker, John9783319850702 | 97833195312982023-06-26 10:29:59Springer,
291Geology for Civil Engineers /McLean, A.C.0419160000 | 97804191600072023-06-26 10:11:34Taylor & Francis,
292Dynamic Analysis and Design of Offshore Structures /Chandrasekaran, Srinivasan9788132234333 | 97881322227742023-06-26 09:42:15Springer,
293 Nuclear Engineering Handbook /Kok, Kenneth D. (Editor)97814822159222023-06-26 09:28:23CRC Press,
294Understanding Sustainable Architecture /Williamson, Terry.0415283515 (hbk) | 0415283523 (pbk) | 97804152835262023-06-26 09:18:10Spon / Routledge ,
295Advanced Computational Methods in Science and Engineering /Koren, Barry (Editor).9783642033438 | 97836420334452023-06-25 13:08:18Springer ,
296Advanced Computational Methods in Science and Engineering /Koren, Barry (Editor).9783642033438 | 97836420334452023-06-25 12:47:21Springer ,
297Nuclear Engineering Fundamentals :Masterson, Robert E.97814822214972023-06-25 12:37:30CRC Press ,
298Bioinformatics :Baxevanis, Andreas D.9788126521920 | 08796971212023-06-25 12:01:55John Wiley & Sons ,
299An Introduction to Numerical AnalysisSuli, Endre9780521007948 | 9785210079412023-06-25 11:45:40Cambridge University Press ,
300 Combustion Engineering /Ragland, Kenneth W.9781138065383 | 9781032246888 | 97813151597202023-06-25 11:05:32CRC Press ;
301Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning /Bishop, Christopher M.9781493938438 | 97803873107322023-06-25 10:59:01Springer,
302Biodegradable metals :Hermawan, Hendra .97836423117032023-06-21 02:00:06Springer ,
303The Penguin dictionary of electronics /01410139742023-06-19 02:00:03Penguin Books ;
304 Nanoscience and Nanotechnology :Grassian, Vicki H. (Editor)97804700810372023-06-18 12:06:59John Wiley & Sons ,
305Engineering Economy /Thuesen, G.J. 013028128X | 97801302812892023-06-18 12:05:20Prentice-Hall of India,
306CMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation /Baker, R. Jacob,97811194815152023-06-18 11:53:26IEEE Press, | Wiley,
307Construction Quantity Surveying :9781119312001 (pbk) | 9781119312956 (epub)2023-06-18 10:13:38John Wiley & Sons ,
308Digital electronics :Gothmann, William H.,013212159X : | 81203034822023-06-04 02:00:04Prentice-Hall,
309Calculus /Anton Howard.97881265564032023-06-01 02:00:06John Willey & Sons,
310Brain-Computer Interfaces :Wolpaw, Jonathan R. (Editor)97801953888552023-05-31 09:39:23Oxford University ,
311Hip Hotels :97805002856952023-05-31 09:27:41Thames & Hudson,
312Basic Engineering Mechanics Explained :Pastoll, Gregory.9780648466505 | 9780648466512 | 97806484665672023-05-30 09:55:07Gregory Pastoll ,
313A Guide to Nuclear Power Technology :Rahn, Frank J.08946465242023-05-27 18:01:23Krieger Publishing ,
314Engineering Materials Technology /Jacobs, James A.01327804532023-05-27 17:40:32Prentice Hall ,
315Biologocal and Bioenvironmental Heat and Mass Transfer /0824707753 | 97808247077502023-05-27 16:57:02CRC Press
316Principles of Engineering Geology /Johnson, Robert B.97881265331452023-05-25 02:00:07John Wiley & Sons ,
317100 Years of Architecture /Powers, Alan97817806782382023-05-24 11:00:19Laurence King ,
318Exhibition Design /Hughes, Philip97817806760672023-05-23 21:06:44Laurence King ,
319ডিফারেন্সিয়াল ক্যালকুলাস :ইউসুফ, মোঃ আবু।2023-05-22 02:00:08মামুন ব্রাদার্স ,
320Operating systems :Tanenbaum, Andrew S.,0131429388 | 0131429876 (CDROM) | 9780131429383 | 97881203295532023-05-22 02:00:07Pearson/Prentice Hall,
321Fundamentals of electrical engineering /Prasad, Rajendra81203272922023-05-19 02:00:07Prentice-Hall,
322Sociological & psychological perspectives of architecture :Muktadir, M.A.97898433614552023-05-18 02:00:11AUST ,
323Towards A New Architecture /Corbusier, Le.9780486250236 | 04862502372023-05-18 02:00:11Dover Publications,
324Louis I. Kahn :Brownlee, David Bruce.0847813231 | 0847813304 (pbk.)2023-05-18 02:00:10Museum of Contemporary Art ; | Rizzoli,
325Fundamentals of EcologyOdum,Eugene p.9788131500200 | 81315002092023-05-17 02:00:09
326Environmental science :Botkin, Daniel B.97881265341422023-05-16 02:00:10John Wiley & Sons ,
327মেকানিক্যাল ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং ড্রইং /মন্ডল, অমলেশ চন্দ্র ।98407468552023-05-15 02:00:11বাংলা একাডেমী ,
328New Chinese Architecture /Wenjun, Zhi97818566960812023-05-11 12:39:58Laurence King ,
329Atkin's Physical Chemistry /Atkins, Peter97801988147402023-05-11 10:35:01Oxford University Press ,
330Principles of Energy Conversion /Culp, Archie W.0070435596 | 97800704355992023-05-11 10:12:02McGraw-Hill ,
331Handbook of Nuclear Engineering-Volume-5 :Cacuci, Dan Gabriel (Editor)97803879813072023-05-09 14:00:02Springer,
332Handbook of Nuclear Engineering-Volume-4 :Cacuci, Dan Gabriel (Editor)97803879813072023-05-09 13:55:29Springer,
333Handbook of Nuclear Engineering-Volume-3 :Cacuci, Dan Gabriel (Editor)97803879813072023-05-09 13:51:34Springer,
334Handbook of Nuclear Engineering-Volume-2 :Cacuci, Dan Gabriel (Editor)97803879813072023-05-09 13:45:18Springer,
335Handbook of Nuclear Engineering-Volume-1 :Cacuci, Dan Gabriel (Editor)97803879813072023-05-09 13:38:47Springer,
336Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation /Khandpur , R.S.9789339205430 | 933920543X2023-04-30 14:29:23McGraw Hill Education ;
337Introduction to Nanoscience and Nanotechnology /Chattopadhyay, K.K.9788120336087 | 97893904648452023-04-25 14:52:18PHI Learning ,
338Instrumentation and Control Systems /Bolton, W.9780750664325 | 97893809310052023-04-04 02:00:10Newnes / Elsevier ,
339Mechanics of Fluids /Massey, Bernard S.9780362249982023-04-03 02:00:12Spon Press ,
340Digital circuits and logic design /Lee, Samuel C.8120301498 | 97881203014982023-04-03 02:00:11PHI Learning,
341Fracture mechanics :ed.Erdogan Fazil2023-03-31 02:00:05ASTM
342Kargil war :Sarkar, B.18978296122023-03-29 02:00:08Lancer Publishers,
343Geotechnical engineering foundation design /Cernica, John N.9780471111481 | 04711114812023-03-24 02:00:10John Wiley & Sons ,
344Financial statement analysis /Wild, John J.007232113X (alk. paper)2023-03-24 02:00:08McGraw-Hill,
345Information systems for you/Doyle, Stephen.07487636782023-03-17 02:00:06Stanley Thornes,
346The Industrial Design :Cuffaro, Daniel F.9781592538478 | 97816105878912023-03-16 02:00:05Rockport ,
347Principles of macroeconomics /Stiglitz, Joseph E.03939635862023-03-13 02:00:04W.W. Norton,
348Student study guide :Weberg, Elizabeth Bent.0815180187 | 97808151801802023-03-01 02:00:05Mosby,
349Advanced economic theory :Ahuja, H. L.8121902606 | 97881219026012023-02-15 02:00:04S. Chand & Co.,
350Boiling Heat Transfer and Two-Phase Flow /Tong, L. S.15603248562023-02-06 21:33:21CRC Press ,
351Additive Manufacturing of Metals :Milewski, John O.9783319582047 | 97833195820542023-02-06 21:18:56Springer ,
352Rapid Prototyping of Biomaterials :Narayan, Roger (Editor)9780081026632 | 97800810266492023-02-06 20:42:13Elsevier /W/P ,
353Basic Principles of Drug Discovery and Development /Blass, Benjamin E.97801281721482023-02-06 20:31:26Academic Press ,
354Advances for Prosthetic Technology :LeMoyne, Robert.9784431567004 | 97844315581632023-02-06 20:12:38Springer ;
355Orthotics and Prosthetics in Rehabilitation /Chui, Kevin K.9780323676915 | 97803236091352023-02-06 19:51:13Elsevier,
356Problems for Biomedical Fluid Mechanics and Transport Phenomena /Johnson, Mark9781107037694 2023-02-06 18:51:30Cambridge University Press ,
357Introduction to Tissue Engineering :Birla, Ravi97811186286452023-02-06 18:42:48John Wiley & Sons ,
358Implantable Medical Electronics :Khanna, Vinod Kumar9783319797915 | 97833192544872023-02-06 18:27:53Springer,
359Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications :Chung, Eun Ji (Editor).97801281666282023-02-06 16:11:37Elsevier,
360Architectvral Graphic Standards :Ramsey, Charles George.9780471247623 | 0471515566 | 0471519405 | 04712476262023-02-06 15:58:54John Wiley & Sons,
361Schaum's Outlines Heat Transfer /Pitts, Donald R.9780071764292 | 00717642912023-02-06 02:00:04McGraw-Hill ,
362Healthcare Technology Management Systems :Vilcahuaman, Luis97801281143152023-02-02 21:34:25Academic Press ,
363Medical Image Analysis /Dhawan, Atam P. 9780470622056 | 9780470918548 (eBook) | 9780470918531 (eBook)2023-02-02 21:21:12John Wiley & Sons ,
364Mechanical Testing of Orthopadic Implants/Friis, Elizabeth (Editor)9780081002865 | 97800810028412023-02-02 17:42:57Springer ,
365Advanced Biosignal Processing /Nait -Ali, Amine (Editor)9783642100451 | 97835408950602023-02-02 17:34:20Springer ,
366Nanomaterials and Nanosystems for Biomedical Applications /Mozafari, M. Reza (Editor)9781402062889 | 97814020628962023-02-02 17:23:38Springer ,
367Gravity Interpretation :Jacoby, Wolfgang9783540853282 | 9783540853299 | 97836424485082023-02-02 17:05:44Springer ,
368Soil Dynamics /Prakash, Shamsher00705065822023-01-29 17:38:05McGraw-Hill ,
369Principles of Communications Satellites /Gordon, Gary D.047155796X | 97804715579682023-01-28 21:30:25John Wiley & Sons,
370Aquatic Chemistry : Stumm,Werner0471511846 | 04715118542023-01-28 21:21:23John wiley & Sons,Inc ,
371Brain-Computer Interfaces :Hassanien, Aboul Ella (Editor)9783319109770 | 97833191097872023-01-28 21:17:26Springer ,
372Numerical Methods /Hornbeck, Robert W.01362661422023-01-28 21:07:30Prentice-Hall ,
373Advanced Modern Control System Theory and Design /Shinners, Stanley M.9780471318576 | 04713185742023-01-28 20:03:19John Wiley & Sons ,
374Sociology :Schaefer, Richard T.00706111732023-01-27 02:00:04McGraw-Hill,
375Signals and Systems in Biomedical Engineering /Devasahayam, Suresh R.9781461453314 | 97814614533212023-01-26 18:36:29Springer ,
376International Cooperation for Enhancing Nuclear Safety, Security, Safeguards and Non-proliferation-60 Years of IAEA and Euratom /Maiani, Luciano (Editor)9783662573655 | 9783662576622023-01-26 18:26:10Springer Open,
377Principles of Nuclear Chemistry /McPherson, Peter A C97800009890002023-01-26 17:57:27World Scientific,
378The Alchemist /Jonson, Ben97881248029462023-01-25 12:43:00Peacock Books ,
379 Principles and Advanced Methods in Medical Imaging and Image Analysis /Dhawan, Atam P9789812705341 | 9812705341 | 9789812705358 (pbk) | 981270535X (pbk)2023-01-25 12:13:36World Scientific ,
380An Introduction to The Principles of Medical Imaging /Guy, Chris9781860945021 | 18609450232023-01-25 11:57:35Imperial College ,
381Working Guide to Petroleum and Natural Gas Production Engineering /Lyons , William C.97818561784572023-01-24 14:03:04Elsevier / Gulf Pub,
382Seismic Amplitude :Simm, Rob97811070115022023-01-24 13:46:30Cambridge University Press ,
383Environmental Radioactivity :Eisenbud, Merril9780122351549 | 01223515412023-01-24 13:33:29Academic Press ,
384Environmental Law /Godden, Lee.97801955222972023-01-24 12:36:15Oxford University Press ,
385Artificial Intelligence :Poole, David L.97811071953942023-01-23 21:17:15Cambridge University ,
386Introduction to Biomedical Engineering.Enderle John D.97801237497962023-01-23 21:09:52Elsevier ,
387Mechanics of Materials /Ppoov, Egor P.97893325595472023-01-19 17:44:53John Wiley & Sons ,
388Engineering Thermodynamics /Nag , P. K.9789352606429 | 93526064262023-01-19 17:33:10McGraw-Hill ,
389কঠিন পদার্থের বলবিদ্যা /মন্ডল, অমলেশ চন্দ্র।98407577682023-01-02 02:00:04বাংলা একাডেমি ,
390Computer networking :Kurose, James F.03212273522022-12-30 02:00:05Pearson/Addison Wesley,
391Environmental Chemistry :O'Neill, Peter.9780387260617 | 97803873143582022-12-30 02:00:05Springer ,
392Consumer behavior :Hawkins, Del I.02561397252022-12-13 02:00:04Irwin,
393Irrigation Engineering :Sharma R.K.97881219212822022-12-12 02:00:04S. Chand & Company ,
394Physics and engineering of radiation detection /Ahmed, Syed Naeem.9780120455812 | 01204558112022-12-06 02:00:05Academic Press ,
395Nuclear chemical engineering /Benedict, Monson.00700453132022-12-06 02:00:05McGraw-Hill ,
396Handbook of Petroleum Refining Processes /Meyers, Robert A.9780071850490 | 007185049X2022-11-28 02:00:07McGraw-Hill ,
397Fundamental Principles Of Reservoir Engineering /Towler, Brian F.97815556309282022-11-28 02:00:06Society of Petroleum Engineers ,
398Basic Well Log Analysis /Asquith, George ..08918166742022-11-28 02:00:06AAPG Methods ,
399Theory, Measurement, And Interpretation Of Well Logs /Bassiouni, Zaki .97815556305602022-11-28 02:00:06Society of Petroleum Engineers ,
400Fundamentals Of Drilling Engineering /Mitchell, Robert F.97815556320762022-11-28 02:00:06Society of Petroleum Engineers ,
401Transient Well Testing :Kamal, Medhat M.97815556314132022-11-28 02:00:06Society of Petroleum Engineers ,
402Reservoir Simulation /Mattax, Calvin C.97815556302872022-11-28 02:00:06Society Of Petroleum Engineering ,
403The Reservoir Engineering Aspects of Waterflooding, /Warner, H.R. Hal.97816139942142022-11-28 02:00:06Society of Petroleum Engineering ,
404Enhanced Oil Recovery /Green, Don W.97816139949482022-11-28 02:00:06Society Of Petroleum Engineers ,
405Gas Reservoir Engineering /Lee, John.97815556307372022-11-28 02:00:06Society of Petroleum Engineers ,
406Modern Well Test Analysis :Horne, Ronald N.0962699217 | 97809626992142022-11-28 02:00:06Petroway Inc. ,
407Handbook of Natural Gas Transmission and Processing :Mokhatab, Saeid.97801281581732022-11-28 02:00:06Gulf Professional Pub ,
408Petroleum Reservoir Rock and Fluid Properties /Dandekar, Abhijit Y.97814398763672022-11-28 02:00:05CRC Press ,
409Working Guide To Reservoir Rock Properties and Fluid Flow /Tarek Ahmed .97818561782592022-11-28 02:00:05G P P Elsevier ,
410Reservoir Engineering Handbook /Ahmed, Tarek.97801281364922022-11-28 02:00:05G P P /Gulf Professionals Publishing ,
411Petroleum Production Systems /Economides, Michael J.9780137031580 | 01370315802022-11-28 02:00:05Prentice Hall ,
412Wills Mineral Processing Technology :Wills, Barry .A.9780750644501 | 97881312173992022-11-21 02:00:04Butterworth-Heinemann /Elsevier ,
413An introduction to computational fluid dynamics :Versteeg, H. K.9780131274983 | 0131274988 | 97881317204862022-11-18 02:00:05Pearson Education Ltd.,
414Fundamentals of Neural NetworksFausett,Laurene97881317005322022-11-09 02:00:05Pearsin Education ,
415Ground Penetrating Radar :Utsi, Erica Carrick97800810221602022-11-03 14:34:56Butterworth-Heinemann ,
416Manufacturing Facilities Design & Material Handling /Stephens, Matthew P.97815575385982022-11-03 14:17:21Purdue University ,
417Geophysical Electromagnetic :Zhdanov, Michael S.97804445296332022-11-03 13:57:46Elsevier ,
418Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics /Akimoto, Hajime9784431556022 | 97844315560392022-11-03 12:55:11Springer ,
419Streamline Simulation :Gupta, Akhil Datta97815556311162022-11-03 09:59:29Society of Petroleum Engineers ,
420Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery /97815882917072022-11-03 09:10:38Humana Press ,
421Medical Robotics :9780857091307 | 97808570973922022-11-03 08:33:46Woodhead Publishing ,
422A History of Limb Amputation /Kirkup , John9781846284434 | 18462844302022-11-01 10:46:17Springer ,
423College writing skills with readings /Langan, John.9780073384085 | 00733840892022-10-31 02:00:06McGraw Hill Education ,
424Environmental Chemistry /O'Neill, Peter.0751404837 | 97807514048382022-10-31 02:00:06Blackie Academic & Professional,
425Fluid Mechanics for Engineers :Schobeiri, Meinhard T.9783642427480 | 9783642115943 (eBook)2022-10-31 02:00:06Springer ,
426AutoCad desktop companion /2022-10-28 02:00:03BPB,
427Fire Protection Systems /Jones, A. Maurice97812841801382022-09-27 09:01:05Jones & Bartlett Learning ,
428Quality Management for Organizational Excellence:Goetsch, David L.9781292022338 | 12920223372022-09-27 08:59:33Pearson Education ,
429Computational Drug Design :Young, David C.97804701268512022-09-27 08:16:52John Wiley & Sons ,
430Engineering fluid mechanics /Graebel, W.P.15603273322022-09-19 02:00:08Taylor & Francis Pub ,
431A TextBook of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machanics /Bansal, R. K.97881318081532022-09-19 02:00:08Laxmi Publications ,
432Contemporary architecture, Bangladesh /2022-09-15 02:00:07Institute of Architects, Bangladesh : | Distributor, University Press,
433Power plant engineering;Nag,P K2022-09-15 02:00:06McGraw-hill :
434The Mac OS X Tiger book /Ihnatko, Andy.0764579576 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 9780764579578 (pbk. : alk. paper)2022-09-14 02:00:07Wiley,
435Basic heat transfer :Özışık, M. Necati.0898749425 | 97800706646092022-09-14 02:00:06McGaw-Hill Book Company,
436Fundamentals of Petroleum Refining /Fahim , M.A.97804445278512022-09-12 19:08:09Elsevier ,
437Aircraft communications and navigation systems /Tooley, Mike .9781138308596 | 9780415827751 | 97813158589822022-09-12 02:00:10Routledge ,
438Lippincott illustrated reviews : Ferrier, Denise R.9789351297949 | 97814963444962022-09-12 02:00:10Wolters Kluwer ,
439Methods of theoretical physics, part 1 : chapters 1 to 8 /Morse, Philip M.0976202107 | 007043316X | 09762021232022-09-12 02:00:08McGraw-Hill ; | Feshbach Publishing,
440Critical Care Administration :Hidalgo, Jorge (Editor)9783030338077 | 97830303380842022-09-11 15:50:45Springer ,
441Conventional Warhead Systems Physics and Engineering Design /Lloyd, Richard M.15634725542022-09-10 21:07:03American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics ,
442Mechanics of Biomaterials :Pruitt, Lisa A.97805217622122022-09-10 20:55:28Cambridge University ,
443Missile Guidance and Control Systems /Siouris , George M.97814419183522022-09-10 20:50:45Springer ,
444Explosives Engineering /Cooper, Paul W.0471186368 | 97804711863662022-09-10 20:45:49John Wiley -VCH ,
445Nuclear reactor engineering :Glasstone , Samuel .812390648X | 04129853142022-09-09 02:00:09CBS Publishers ,
446Physics of semiconductor devices /Shur, Michael.97881203094872022-09-09 02:00:09Prentice Hall ,
447Data structures and program design /Kruse, Robert L.0132081822 | 81203088402022-09-09 02:00:07Prentice Hall,
448Composite Materials :Chawla, Krishan K.97830302898502022-09-06 02:00:07Springer,
449Evolo skyscrapers 3 /Aiello, Carlo (Editor).97819387402202022-09-05 02:00:07Evolo ,
450Introduction to Composite Materials /Tsai, Stephen W.08776228842022-09-05 02:00:07Technomic ,
451Computational Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer /Anderson, Dale A.97808153571242022-09-01 14:40:58CRC /Taylor & Francis,
452Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery /Dixon, S. L.97801241595492022-08-28 13:47:58McGraw Hill ;
453Thermodynamics :Cengel, Yunus A.9789353165741 | 93531657412022-08-28 13:38:23McGraw-Hill,
454Neural Engineering /He, Bin (editor)97830304339702022-08-28 13:27:32Springer ,
455Ultra Low Power Bioelectronics :Sarpeshkar, Rahul97805218572772022-08-28 13:11:27Cambridge University ,
456Hypersonic and High-Temperature Gas Dynamics /Anderson, John D.97816241051422022-08-28 12:56:38AIAA ,
457Mechanical Engineer's Pocket Book /Timings, Roger L.97807506650872022-08-28 09:55:10Newnes ,
458Applied Gas Dynamics / Rathakrishnan, Ethirajan97881265377852022-08-27 19:12:49John Wiley & Sons ,
459Elementary Engineering Fracture Mechanics / Broek, David.9789401084253 | 97894009433392022-08-27 18:22:19Martinus Nijhoff Pub. ,
460Introduction to Wind Turbine Aerodynamics / Schaffarczyk, A. P.9783030410308 | 97830304102852022-08-27 18:12:36Springer ,
461Fundamentals of Heat Exchanger Design /Shah, Ramesh K.97804713217122022-08-27 17:59:03John Wiley & Sons ,
462Designing buildings in the tropics :Muktadir, M.A.97898433183122022-08-26 02:00:15AUST ,
463Talking architecture /Rewal, Raj.9780198082941 | 01980829402022-08-26 02:00:15Oxford University ,
464Principles of Biomedical Instrumentation /Webb, Andrew G.97811071131382022-08-24 21:34:31Cambridge University ,
465Linear Estimation /Kailath, Thomas97893325753702022-08-24 21:24:44Pearson Education ,
466Solar Energy Engineering :Kalogirou, Soteris A.97801239727052022-08-24 21:15:23Elsevier/ Academic Press ,
4674G, LTE-Advanced Pro and the Road to 5G /Dahlman, Erik97801280457562022-08-24 21:02:38Elsevier/ Academic Press ,
468Electromagnetic Simulation Using The FDTD Method With Python /Houle, Jennifer E.97811195658022022-08-24 20:27:20John Wiley & Sons ,
469Engineering A Compiler /Cooper, Keith D.97801208847802022-08-23 20:25:03Elsevier/ ,
470Fundamentals of air pollution /Vallero, Daniel A.97801240173372022-08-23 02:00:16Academic Press ,
471Brain-Computer Interfaces 1 :Maureen Clerc (Edited)97818482182602022-08-14 20:58:37John Wiley & Sons ,
472Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering /Dunn, Stanley M.9780121860318 | 01218603102022-08-14 20:57:17Elsevier/ Academic Press ,
473Signal Processing for Neuroscientists /Drongelen, Wim Van97801281048282022-08-14 20:55:31Elsevier/ Academic Press ,
474Brain-Computer Interfacing :Rao, Rajesh P.N.9780521769419 (hardback) | 9781108708012 (paperback)2022-08-14 20:01:18Cambridge University ,
475Handbook of Neural Activity Measurement /Brette, Romain (Editor).97805215162282022-08-14 19:44:14Cambridge University ,
476Marine hydrodynamics :Newman, J. N.97802625348262022-08-11 02:00:13The MIT Press ,
477Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++ / Weiss, Mark Allen.81780867002022-08-10 18:02:36Addison Wesley,
478Human-Computer Interaction /Dix, Alan.97881317170352022-08-10 17:21:50Pearson Educaion ;
479Interaction Design :Sharp, Helen9781119547259 | 9781119547358 (ebk) | 9781119547303 (ebk)2022-08-10 17:16:16John Wiley & Sons ,
480Introduction to Computer Security /Bishop Matt97881775842572022-08-10 16:55:44Dorling kindersley
481Towards A New Architecture /Corbusier, Le9780486250236 | 04862502372022-08-08 17:32:09Dover Publications ,
482Introduction to risk management and insurance /Dorfman, Mark S.,0131449583 | 97881203276892022-08-04 02:00:13Pearson Prentice Hall,
483101 Great Leaders Of The World /Srivastava, Kamal S.97881313140292022-08-01 12:24:35APH Publishing,
484Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics /Rathakrishnan, E.812032790X | 97881203279002022-08-01 12:10:48Prentice-Hall of India,
485Head First Python :9789352134823 | 97814919195382022-08-01 11:59:40O'Reilly ,
486Speech and Language Processing :97893325184142022-08-01 11:40:11Pearson
487Toward Brain-Computer Interfacing /Dornhege, Guido (Editor)97802620424442022-08-01 09:04:42The MIT Press,
488Adair on Leadership /Adair, John.8176494917 | 97881764949152022-07-31 20:49:15Viva Books,
489Encyclooaedia of Air Pollution Control Equipments :Selection, Design, Operation and Maintenance :Liu, Hsiao-Lan.9781781548318 (Set of 3 Volumes)2022-07-31 20:24:49Auris Reference,
490An Introductory Text To Bioengineering /Chien, Shu (Editor).9789812707932 | 981270793X | 9789812707949 | 98127079482022-07-31 19:52:48World Scientific,
491Miller's Review of Orthopadics /Miller, Mark D.97803236097842022-07-31 19:21:24Elsevier,
492Advances in Heat Transfer Enhancement /Saha, Sujoy Kumar9783319294780 | 97833192948032022-07-31 17:22:14Springer,
493Advanced Fluid Mechanics /Graebel, W.P.9780123708854 | 97881312200922022-07-31 16:55:54Academic Press,
494Practical Electronics :Scherz, Paul9781259587542 | 12595875412022-07-31 16:16:59Mc-Graw Hill Education,
495Practical Electronics :Scherz, Paul9781259587542 | 12595875412022-07-31 16:16:52Mc-Graw Hill Education,
496Data Mining and Data Warehousing /Agarwal, Bharat Bhushan97881318065862022-07-26 18:14:07University Science,
497Computer Graphics :Hill, Francis. S.97893325553032022-07-26 17:31:16Pearson Education,
498Electrical, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering :Theraja, B. L.81219257112022-07-26 02:00:06S. Chand & Company ,
499 Medical Imaging :Farncombe, Troy (Editor)97811385821322022-07-25 13:02:53CRC Press ,
500Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering /Dake , L.P.97804444183022022-07-21 11:21:16Elsevier ;