New Arrivals

New Arrivals

SL Title Author ISBN Date Publisher QTY
1Dynamics of Structures :Chopra, Anil K.9789353945251 | 978317132972024-12-06Pearson India Education,20
2Theory and Problem of Introductory Surveying /Wirshing, James R.00707112402024-12-05McGraw-Hill,10
3Fundamentals of Sound and Vibration /Fahy, Frank (Editor).9780415562102 | 97803678748722024-12-04CRC Press ;30
4Machine Design /Norton, Robert L.97893530624082024-12-04Pearson ,44
5Fundamentals of Machine Design-Volume -1 /Singh, Ajeet9781316630402024-12-04Cambridge University Press ,30
6Computer Networking :Kurose, James F.97893325854922024-12-03Pearson ,10
7Elementary Linear Algebra :Anton, Howard.97881265629612024-12-03John Wiley& Sons ,20
8Electronic circuits :Neamen, Donald A.9780070634336 | 00706343352024-12-03Tata McGraw Hill Education,5
9The Practical Surveyor, or, The Art of Land -Measuring, Made Easy.....To Which is Added, an Appendix... /Wyld, Samuel.97811406801092024-12-02ECCO,30
10Electrical Power Systems /Ray, Subir.8120329899 | 97881203298982024-11-29Prentic-Hall,2
11Walter gropius97838365443442024-11-20Taschen0
12Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow /97811385646952024-11-20CRP Press70
13Introduction to Nuclear Engineering /1292025816 | 97812920258102024-11-19Pearson Education1
14Power Plant Engineering0412064014 | 97804120640122024-11-19Kluwer Academic Pub ;0
15Digital Circuits and Design /Salivahanan, S.9780199488681 | 01994886812024-11-07Oxford University,50
16Structural Analysis /Hibbeler, R. C.97893544978412024-10-25Pearson Education,400
17Highway Engineering/ Goel, Alok Kumar Goel97893501447632024-10-24S K Kataria & Sons 0
18Analysis and Design Practice of Steel Structures/ Ghosh, Karuna Moy 978-81203493772024-10-24PHI Learning;0
19 Research Methodology :Kothari, C. R.97893898025592024-10-24New Age International (P) Ltd. Publishers,0
20Rock Slope Engineering :Wyllie, Duncan C.,9781498786270 2024-10-24CRS Press 0
21Professional Ethics and Human ValuesGovindarajan, M.97881203481652024-10-24Learning PTV. LTD; 0
22Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits /Razavi, Behzad.9789387067844 | 0071188150 | 00711883982024-10-24McGraw-Hill,0
23Hydrodynamics of High-Speed Marine Vehicles /Faltinsen, Odd M.0521845688 | 97805211787302024-10-24Cambridge University ,11
24Digital Circuits and DesignSalivahanan, S., 2024-10-24Oxford;0
25Aircraft :Wild, Thomas W. 9780070701267 | 97893903854612024-10-24McGraw- Hill Education ,1
26Power System Optimization/ Kothari, D. P.97881203408552024-10-24Prentice-Hall of India,0
27Local Government Management /Wyllie, Duncan C. 9780429671401 | 97804290010862024-10-24Taylor & Francis, CRC; 0
28Applied cell and molecular biology for engineers /Waite, Gabi Nindl0071472428 (alk. paper) | 9780071472425 (alk. paper)2024-10-24McGraw-Hill,0
29Elements of Spacecraft Design /Brown, Charles D.,1563475243 (alk. paper)2024-10-22American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.,0
30Industrial automation :Lamb, Frank.9780071816458 2024-10-22McGraw Hill; 0
31Introduction to Bioengineering /Fung, Y.C. 9810248628 (electronic bk.) | 9789810243982 | 9810240236 | 9810243987 (pbk.)2024-10-22World Scientific,0
32Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences /Çengel, Yunus A.9789352601998 | 93526019982024-10-21McGraw-Hill Education,60
33Supply Chain Management :Chopra, Sunil 97893615928982024-10-21Pearson,100
34A Textbook of Heat and Mass Transfer / Rajput, R.K., 97893525338482024-10-20S.Chand ,200
35Macroeconomics /Samuelson, Paul A.0070579512 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 00705795392024-10-15Irwin/McGraw-Hill,2
36Mechanical Vibrations : Tse, Francis Sing9788123908465 | 81239084662024-10-14Boston , 60
37Data Communications and Networking /Forouzan, Behrouz A.0072515848 (alk. paper) | 00712324192024-10-14McGraw-Hill Higher Education,5
38Total Quality Management / Besterfield, Dale H97893530663142024-10-14 Prentice Hall, 70
39Research Methodology /Panneerselvam, R.9788120349469 | 97881948848422024-10-14Prentice -Hall,198
40Waste Water Treatment / Rao, M. N. 97881204171202024-10-03Oxford & IBH Publishing Company,60
41Heat and Mass Transfer :Fundamentals & Applications/ Cengel , Yunus A.9789390185283 | 93901852892024-09-07Mc-Graw Hill India,25
42Heat And Mass Transfer: Cengel, Yunus A.0071077863 | 97800710778662024-09-06McGraw-Hill Education India,71
43Computer Networking :Kurose, James F.97893560613162024-09-06Pearson India Education ,30
44Introduction to PSpice Using OrCAD for Circuits and Electronics /Rashid, Muhammad H.9789332555174 | 97881203279792024-09-06Pearson/Prentice Hall,30
45The Mayfield quick view guide to the Internet for students of women's studies /McCaughey, Martha,0767418778 | 97807674187752024-09-02Mayfield Pub.,1
46Digital switching systems :Ali, Syed Riffat.0070010692 | 97800704839032024-08-20McGraw-Hill,72
47Bounce! :Moltz, Barry J.9780470224083 (cloth) | 0470224088 (cloth)2024-08-16John Wiley & Sons,2
48Windows Vista ultimate bible /Durham, Joel.9780470097137 (pbk.) | 0470097132 (pbk.)2024-08-16Wiley,1
49Windows XP simplified :McFedries, Paul.9780764583292 | 0764583298 (pbk.)2024-08-16Wiley,2
50Beginning Excel services /Asnash, Liviu,9780470104897 (paper/website) | 0470104899 (paper/website)2024-08-16Wiley,2
51Gas Pipeline Hydraulics /Menon, E. Shashi9781466976702 | 9781466976719 | 97814669767262024-08-04Systek Technologies ,.33
52Aircraft Materials & Processes /Titterton, George F.97881759801362024-08-04Sterling Book House .60
53Strength of Materials :Khurmi, R.S.81219282222024-07-24S.CHAND AND COMPANY,19
54Fluid Mechanics /Subrahmaniyam,S.81855893562024-07-24Capital Publishing Company,1
55Integral Calculus Including Differential Equations /Das, B.C.81856249172024-07-24U.N.Dhur & Sons ,49
56Transportation Engineering and Planning /Papacostas, C. S.0130814199 | 81203215452024-07-24Prentice Hall,68
57Introduction to Transportation Engineering /Banks, James H.0072431881 | 00712403492024-07-24McGraw-Hill,4
58Transport Planning and Traffic Engineering /0340662794 | 0470236191 (Wiley) | 9780340662793 | 978312027842024-07-24Wiley; | Elsivier,20
59Pavement Analysis and Design /Huang, Yang H.0131424734 | 97881317212472024-07-24Pearson/Prentice Hall,35
60Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning /Kadiyali L.R817409220X2024-07-24Bright printers, pahari bhojla :44
61Thermal Properties of Air, Water and Steam /Mohanty, A.K.81204057062024-07-24Oxford & IBS,34
62Concepts of Modern Physics /Beiser, Arthur.0072448482 (acidfree paper) | 007049553X2024-07-24McGraw-Hill; | Tata McGraw-Hill,1
63Fundamentals of Human Resources Management /DeCenzo, David A.98125317182024-07-24Singapore John wiley & Sons, 3
64Vector Mechanics for Engineers :007230491X (alk. paper) | 00732092792024-07-24McGraw-Hill Higher Education,2
65Automotive Mechanics /Crouse, William Harry,00705905402024-07-24Tata McGraw-Hill,72
66Optical Fiber Communications :Senior, John M.,9780130326812 (alk. paper) | 013032681X (alk. paper) | 97881317326632024-07-24Financial Times/Prentice Hall ; | Dorling kindersley pvt. ltd,65
67Modern Control Systems /Dorf, Richard C.0201308649 | 02013267792024-07-24Addison-Wesley,46
68Control Systems Engineering /Nagrath, I. J.0470271485 | 97881224200812024-07-24New Age,97
69Control Systems Engineering /Nise, Norman S.9780470547564 (acidfree paper) | 9780470917695 (acidfree paper) | 97881265215312024-07-24Wiley,22
70The Unfinished Nation :Brinkley, Alan.0072565543 | 0072565616 | 9780072565614 | 00725656162024-07-15McGraw-Hill,4
71Engineering Mechanics : Hibbeler, R.C.817808175X2024-07-02Pearson Education ,8
72Building Materials /Singh, Gurcharan.9788180141546 | 8180141546 | 81863081562024-07-02Standard Publishers Distributors,93
73Fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic :Klir, George J.,81203113612024-07-01Prentice Hall PTR,7
74Cryptography and Network Security /Forouzan, Behrouz A.9789339220945 | 93392209432024-07-01McGraw Hill ,8
75Antenna theory :Balanis, Constantine A.,99715123352024-06-27Wiley,2
76Java :Deitel, Harvey.0131483986 | 97881203450272024-06-26Pearson,3
77Project Management :Burke , Rory97881265629092024-06-04John Wiley & Sons ;15
78Pattern recognition :Schalkoff, Robert J.98125316452024-06-03John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,24
79Getting started with MATLAB 7 /Pratap, Rudra,0195179374 (pbk. : acidfree paper) | 01956800142024-05-27Oxford University Press,2
80Efficient parallel algorithms /Gibbons, Alan0521345855 | 05213884142024-05-27Cambridge University Press,5
81Pattern Recognition /Duda, Richard O.9789354244391 | 97893542444692024-05-27Wiley,30
82Communication that works :Khan , M Ahsan Ullah .98470038000432024-05-16Panjeree publications ;21
83Energy security in Bangladesh /98408019962024-05-16Academic Press and Publishers Library,2
84Cryptography and Network Security :Stallings, William.97893325852252024-05-13Pearson India Education 30
85Bryman's Social Research Methods /Bryman, Alan97801928950422024-05-13Oxford University ,10
86Principles of physical chemistry / Huq, S. M. Fazlul.2024-05-09Student publication ,2
87A Text Book Of Workshop Technology :Khurmi, R.S.812190868X2024-05-09S. Chand,8
88Introduction to Robotics :Craig, John J.97893560621912024-05-03Pearson/Prentice Hall ; | Dorling Kindersley,30
89Fluid Mechanics :Jain, A.K.97881740919492024-05-03Khanna Publishers,30
90Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design /Raju, N.Krishna.81239076992024-05-03CBS Publisher,7
91A Text Book of Water Supply Engineering /Aziz, M. A.97898492173362024-05-01University Campus ,30
92Elementary Structural Analysis /Norris, Charles Head,0070472564 | 9789352604715 | 93526047172024-05-01McGraw-Hill,20
93Engineering Mechanics / Timoshenko, S.9781259062667 | 125906266X2024-04-30McGraw-Hill ;15
94Advanced Engineering Mathematics /O'Neil, Peter V.9788131517529 | 81315175272024-04-30Cengage Learning ,10
95Mechanics of Materials /Hibbeler, R. C.97893544922592024-04-30Pearson India Education,20
96Principles of Geotechnical Engineering /Das, Braja M.9789386858160 | 93868581692024-04-30Cengage Learning ;5
97Highway engineering /Wright, Paul H.047126461X (cloth) | 98125308352024-04-30John Wiley,2
98Building construction :Mckay , W.B.97893325082312024-04-30Pearson Education ,22
99Electrical Power Systems /Husain, Ashfaq.8123914482 | 97881239144802024-04-29CBS Publishers,20
100Understanding pointers in c /Kanetkar, Yashavant P.2024-04-29BPB Publications,2
101প্রাথমিক ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং ড্রয়িং /ভট্টাচার্য্য, হেমন্তকুমার2024-04-25বিশ্বাস বুক হউস,1
102প্রাথমিক ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং ড্রয়িং /ভট্টাচার্য্য, হেমন্তকুমার93241078163462024-04-24মাইতি বুক হাউস ,20
103New Headway :Liz , Soars.97801943693052024-04-23Oxford University ;20
1048051 Microcontroller :Ghoshal, Subrata.9789332535756 | 97898125426182024-04-23Pearson,30
105Introduction to Nuclear Engineering /Lamarsh , John R.0201824981 | 97802018249882024-04-23Prentice Hall ,20
106Irrigation engineering and hydraulic structures /Garg, Santosh Kumar2024-04-09Khanna,1
107Water works engineering :Qasim, Syed R.0131502115 | 81203215372024-04-01Prentice Hall PTR,12
108An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling /Bender, Edward A.97804864118042024-02-15Dover Publications,2
109An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling /Bender, Edward A.97804864118042024-02-15Dover Publications,2
110An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling /Bender, Edward A.97804864118042024-02-15Dover Publications,0
111An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling /Bender, Edward A.97804864118042024-02-15Dover Publications,0
112Mechanics of Flight /Phillips, Warren F.97804713345832024-02-14Wiley & Sons,3
113Engineering Mechanics of Solids /Popov, Egor P.97893325502162024-02-01Pearson Education ,23
114Structural Analysis /Hibbeler, R. C.9789332586147 | 97881317214142024-02-01Pearson Education /Prentice Hall,11
115Conveyors and related equipment /Pivakovsky, A. S. 2024-01-16Peace Publishers,1
116Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics /Hibbeler, R. C.97893325847472023-12-18Pearson Education ; 60
117Fluid Mechanics :Jain, A.K.81740919472023-11-30Hindustan Offset Press,3
118Soil Mechanics and Foundations /Budhu, Muni 97881265596262023-11-29John Wiley & Sons,30
119Digital Logic and Computer Design /Mano, M. Morris,97881775840972023-11-27Pearson Education,89
120Engineering Management /Gupta, A.K.81219281252023-11-27S. Chand & Company,136
121Principles of Geographical Information Systems /Burrough, Peter A.97801987486182023-11-27Oxford University Press,20
122Building Construction /Kumar, Sushil.97881801416832023-11-27Standards Publishers Distributors,29
123Surveying & LevellingBasak , N N .97893329015372023-11-27McGraw Hill Education ,54
124Design of Concrete Structures /Darwin, David.9780073397948 | 9789352601981 | 935260198X2023-11-27McGraw-Hill Higher Education,29
125Principles of Heat and Mass Transfer :Incropera, Frank P.97881265782452023-11-10John Wiley & Sons ,25
126A Textbook of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning /Rajput, R. K.9789350142554 | 81884584062023-11-08S. K. Khtaria & Sons ;30
127 The properties of petroleum fluids McCain, William D.08781433512023-10-29Penn Well ,3
128Mechanics of Materials /9789390219421 | 93902194262023-10-27McGraw Hill Education ;20
129A Geology for Engineers /Blyth, F. G. H.0713128828 (pbk.) | 9788131201411 | 034070098x2023-10-22E. Arnold; | ELSEVIER,56
130Engineering Materials /Kakani, S.L.97881224362112023-10-18New Age International ,30
131Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Propulsion /Hill, Philip G.97881317295192023-10-17Pearson Education, Inc,52
132The most common mistakes in english pronunciation /Bashiruddin, Mohammad98411051952023-10-17Ahmed,19
133Medical Instrumentation :9789354249150 | 97893542495942023-10-16Wiley,15
134Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits /97881265214872023-10-15John Wiley & Sons,30
135Elementary solid state physics :Omar, M. Ali.0201054825 | 8178082527 | 9788178082523 | 97881775837792023-10-12Addison-Wesley Pub. Co., | Pearson Edcution.42
136Entrepreneurship :Coulter, Mary97881203280822023-10-06PHI Learning ,23
137Thermal Engineering of Nuclear Power Stations :Bowman, Charles F.9780367820398 | 9780367502362 | 97810030116062023-09-28CRC Press ,30
138Advanced Foundation Engineering :Murthy, V. N. S. 9788123915067 | 97881239150742023-09-27CBS Publishers & Distributors,3
139College learning algebra :Rahaman, Muhammad abdur2023-09-26Nahar book depot ;1
140Management information systems /Sadagopan S.9788120311800 | 81203118092023-09-19Prentice-Hall of India, 2
141Fundamentals Of Electric Circuits / Alexander, Charles K.9789355320162 | 93553201672023-09-19Mc Graw Hill Education ,30
142Financial Accounting /Kimmel, Paul D.97881265512622023-09-19John Wiley & Sons,20
143Thesis Writing Guidelines /2023-08-29Academic Wing, MIST ,967
144The Intel microprocessors :Brey, Barry B.0132606704 | 81203122012023-08-29Prentice Hall,1
145Advanced computer architecture :Kain, Richard Y.81203137712023-08-25Prentice Hall,8
146High-Voltage Engineering /9789389811223 | 93898112282023-08-24McGraw -Hill ,30
147Fluid Mechanics : Fundamentals and Applications /Cengel,Yunus A .9789353166212 | 93531662172023-08-24Mc Graw Hill ,30
148Computer organization and design :Patterson, David A.9780123744937 (pbk. : alk. paper) | 97881312227442023-08-24Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,2
149Research Methodology Fundamentals /2023-08-23Academic Wing, MIST ,845
150Mechatronics :Bolton, W.0131216333 | 81297057962023-08-23Pearson/Prentice Hall,3
151Mechanics of materials /Popov, E.P. 2023-08-22Prentice Hall of India,2
152Hydraulic Modelling- an Introduction :Novak, P.978036711656 | 97802038616222023-08-16CRC Press,10
153Environmental Impact Assessment :Eccleston, Charles H.97810325575402023-08-16CRC Press,10
154Drug Discovery and Development :Hill, Raymond G.97807020780402023-08-02Elsevier ,20
155Flying high :Wynbrandt, James.0471655449 (cloth) | 97804716554422023-08-01Wiley,4
156Essentials of Human Anatomy :Datta, Asim Kumar.97893852742512023-07-24Current Books International ,10
157সুন্দর বাড়ির সহজ প্রকৌশল ।কাদির ,আব্দুল ।984458437X2023-07-12সময় প্রকাশন ,40
158Discrete Mathematics with Applications /Epp, Susanna S.9789355731029 | 93557310272023-06-27Cengage Learning ,10
159A Text Book of Electrical Technology, Vol II : Theraja, B. L.8121911427 | 97881219243752023-06-26S. Chand & Compay,31
160Royal air force manual flying volume A the principles of flight /2023-06-26Ministry of Defence,6
161Industrial Combustion Pollution and Control /Baukal, Charles E.9780367578459 | 97808247469402023-06-25CRC Press ,20
162Modelling and Simulation :Birta, Louis G.9783030188719 | 97830301886962023-06-25Springer,30
163Engineering thermodynamics :Rogers, Gordon81780826322023-06-20Pearson Education,17
164How to write first-class letters :Baugh, L. Sue.0844240990 | 8185617662023-06-15NTC Pub. Group ; Viva Books Private Limited35
165Electrical Power Systems /Husain, Ashfaq.812390116x2023-06-14CBS Publishers,1
166Introduction to automata theory, languages, and computation /Hopcroft, John E.,81780834772023-06-09Addison-Wesley, | Pearson Education Asia ,6
167 Modern physics : Rajam, J B2023-06-05 S. Chand, 1
168Basic electrical engineering :Fitzgerald, A. E.007021154X | 9780070682566 | 0070682569 | 0070211558 (solutions manual)2023-06-05Tata McGraw-Hill,65
169Electronic communication systems :Schweber, William L.0130916218 | 8120322290 | 97881203222952023-06-01Prentice Hall,6
170Aircraft Performance :Eshelbe, Martin E.9780340758977 | 97893510708322023-05-30Elsevier ,30
171Schaum's outline of theory and problems of electric power systems /Nasar, S. A.0070459177 (recycled paper) | 00705936712023-05-30McGraw-Hill,1
172Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits /Gayakwad, Ramakant A.97893539490372023-05-24Pearson ,15
173Electric Grid Reliability and Interface With Nuclear Power Plants /97892012611062023-05-23International Atomic Energy Agency ,20
174The Barefoot Architect :9780936070421 | 09360704202023-05-23Shelter Pub ,10
175Code Complete :McConnell, Steve97807356196782023-05-22Microsoft ,30
176Chemistry fundamentals :Chowdhury A. Q.2023-05-19BUET,7
177Schaum's outline of theory and problems of advanced calculus /Spiegel, Murray R. 00709900772023-05-18 McGraw Hill, 2
178Textbook of differential calculus :Mohammad, Khosh.2023-05-172
179Engineering mechanics : Meriam, J.L.99715143382023-05-17John Wiley & Sons,2
180Thermal Engineering /Rathore, Mahesh M.9780070681132 | 00706811392023-05-15McGraw-Hill ,38
181Practical chemistry /Mian, A. Jabbar .2023-05-15Student's publication.2
182Structural analysis,Cassie, W. Fisher.2023-05-12Longmans, Green and co.2
183প্রাথমিক ইঞ্জিনিয়ারিং ড্রয়িং /ভট্টাচার্য্য, হেমন্তকুমার2023-05-12সোমনাথ বুক এজেন্সী,92
184Photonics :Yariv, Amnon.0195179463 | 97801956870572023-05-12Oxford University Press,29
185Power Plant Engineering /Black & Veatch0412064014 | 9781461380474 | 97814613042722023-05-11Kluwer Academic Pub ;7
186Vector mechanics for engineers :Beer, Ferdinand Pierre,0074635999 | 007065994X2023-05-09McGraw-Hill Higher Education,1
187Elements of properties of matter /Mathur, D.S.2023-05-09Shyam Lal Charitable Trust,2
188Water Wave Mechanics for Engineers and Scientists /Dean, Robert G.9789810204204 | 9789810204211 | 98102042052023-05-03World & Scientific,10
189 Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) 2020 :2023-04-30Ministry of Housing and Public Works ,20
190 Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) 2020 :2023-04-30Ministry of Housing and Public Works ,20
191 Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) 2020 :2023-04-30Ministry of Housing and Public Works ,0
192 Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC) 2020 :2023-04-30Ministry of Housing and Public Works ,20
193The Mechanical Design Process /Ullman, David G.9781259002410 | 12590024112023-04-25McGraw Hill Education ,20
194Design and construction of concrete shell roofsRamaswamy, G. S.,2023-04-13McGraw-Hill ; CBS Publisher,14
195The most common mistakes in English usage.Berry, Thomas Elliott.00709922902023-04-12Chilton; Tata McGraw Hill,2
196Principles of railway engineering :Rangwala, S. C.2023-04-10Charotar Book Stall,7
197Project Management :Meredith, Jack R.97881265687652023-04-06J. Wiley,20
198A text book of electrical technology :Theraja, B. L. 8121911419 | 97881219114122023-04-05S. Chand,1
199Signals and systems /Haykin, Simon S.,0471138207 (cloth : alk. paper)2023-04-05Wiley,2
200A text book on coordinate geometry :Rahman, A.F.M. Abdur.2023-04-04S.Chakraborty,1
201A textbook of electrical technology is S. I. units :Theraja, B. L.81219114272023-04-04S. Chand,5
202Engineering mechanics :Meriam, J. L.0471406465 (alk. paper) | 8126508329 | 97881265083272023-04-03J. Wiley,4
203Automatic Control Engineering /Raven, Francis H.9789332901926 | 93329019292023-03-31McGraw Hill Education ,50
204Signals and systems :Ziemer, Rodger E.013496456X | 81780829692023-03-31Pearson Education ; | Addison Wesley Longman,7
205Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C++ / Weiss, Mark Allen.97881317147442023-03-30Pearson Education,30
206Algorithms in C++, parts 1-4 :Sedgewick, Robert,0201510596 | 97881317130512023-03-30Pearson,2
207Healthcare Technology Management :Hegarty, Francis.9780367573966 | 97814987035432023-03-28CRC Press, 25
208Basic Mechanical Engineering /Kumar, Pravin97893868732932023-03-24Pearson Education ,25
209Problems in soil mechanics /Verma, B. P.2023-03-24Khanna,1
210Process heat transfer /Kern, Donald Quentin,00746321752023-03-22McGraw-Hill,5
211Basic Mechanical Engineering /Rajput , R.K.97881318035922023-03-21Laxmi Publications ,17
212Biomechanics of the Human Body /Okuno, Emico.9781461485759 | 9781461485766 (e-Book) | 97814614857662023-03-21Springer ,25
213Digital signal processing :Ifeachor, Emmanuel C.0201596199 | 81780860932023-03-21Prentice Hall, | Pearson ,1
214Networks Analysis /Valkenburg, M.E. Van.8120301560 | 9781203015662023-03-20Prentic Hall,5
215Modern Architecture :Frampton , Kenneth .97805002044432023-01-27Thames & Hudson ,15
216Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology /Carr, Joseph J.0130104922 | 97881775888352023-01-19Prentice Hall; | Pearson,28
217Computer Graphics :Hill, Francis S.97893325553032023-01-19Pearson India Education,30
218Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Computer Graphics /Xiang, Zhigang.9789389538847 | 938953884X2023-01-19McGraw-Hill,10
219Principles of Electromagnetics /Sadiku, Matthew N.O.9780199461851 | 01994618562023-01-19Oxford University ;25
220Power plant engineering;Morse, Frederick T.,2023-01-03East-West Press,5
221Essentials of Human Anatomy :Datta, Asim Kumar.97893852742442022-12-23Current Books International ,10
222Irrigation :Michael, A. M.0706906136 : | 07069984992022-12-12Vikas,49
223Drug delivery systems /Jain, Kewal K. (Editor)9781493998005 | 97814939979852022-12-06Humana Press ,20
224Safety Management :Ganguly, D.S.S.97881934522572022-11-28Chetan Prakashan ,30
225 Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology /Scanlon, Valerie C.97881844879472022-11-11Jaypee Brothers,25
226Digital Signal Processing :Mitra, Sanjit K.0070447055 | 97800704470592022-11-01Tata Mcgraw-Hill, 7
227Production and operations management :Adam, Everett E.97881203083812022-10-20Prentice Hall,5
228Structured C/C++ programming :নিউটন, মু.আ. হাকিম।97898480582752022-10-18তাম্রলিপি ,60
229Fundamentals of Phase Diagrams and Transformations /Kurny, ASW9848230092022-10-18BUTE4
230Operating systems :Stallings, William.9780136006329 | 0136006329 | 97881317252832022-09-22Pearson/Prentice Hall ; | Dorling kindersley pvt ltd,3
231Schaum's outline of theory and problems of probability /Lipschutz, Seymour.007099031X | 97800709903192022-09-21McGraw-Hill, 1
232Strength of materials :Khurmi, R.S.81219053382022-09-16S. Chand,2
233Integrated electronics :Millman, Jacob,0074622455 | 97800746224522022-09-15McGraw-Hill1
234Structural Analysis /Hibbeler, R. C.8178087502 | 97881317214142022-09-13Pearson/Prentice Hall,1
235Structural Analysis /Hibbeler, R. C.0131470892 | 97881317214142022-09-13Pearson/Prentice Hall,2
236Schaum's outline of theory and problems of elements of statistics I : Bernstein, Stephen. 0071160590 | 97800711605992022-09-13McGraw-Hill, 1
237manufacturing technologyRao,P N00746384322022-09-12McGraw- hill ;20
238Digital signal processing :Proakis, John G.0133737624 | 8120311299 | 81297008402022-09-09Prentice Hall,7
239Leaderships in Organizations /Yukl, Gary.97893895524542022-09-05Pearson Education ,25
240Computer organization and design :Patterson, David A.1568606041 | 81814753482022-09-05Morgan Kaufmann Publishers ; | Elsevier Inc.,36
241Software engineering :Pressman, Roger S.9780071267823 | 00712678242022-09-05McGraw-Hill Higher Education,2
242Aircraft Design :Raymer, Daniel P.97816241049092022-08-23AIAA Education series,15
243Structured Computer Organization /Tanenbaum, Andrew S.,97893325712422022-08-23Pearson Education ,40
244Thermal Engineering /Rathore, Mahesh M.9780070681132 | 00706811392022-08-23McGraw-Hill ,0
245Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Introductory Surveying /Wirshing, James R.9780070711242 | 00707112402022-08-22 McGraw-Hill,10
246 সবার জন্য সি কম্পিউটার প্রোগ্রামিং ল্যাংগুয়েজ /নিটন, কামরুজ্জামান .98484852952022-08-22নকোষ প্রকাশনী ;131
247Computer organization and architecture :Stallings, William.013359985X | 81203115582022-08-22Prentice Hall,8
248Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB :Ingle, Vinay K.9789386668110 | 93866681142022-08-10Cangage ,10
249Automobile engineering /Singh, Kirpal.81801405392022-08-04Standard Publishers Distributors,3
250Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics /Howell, John R.0079093698 2022-08-01McGraw-Hill,1
251The Brain :Watson, Charles97801237388992022-07-31Elsevier/ Academic Press,10
252Integrated electronics: analog and digital circuits and systemsMillman, Jacob,9780070151420 | 00701514232022-06-30McGraw-Hill,5
253Design of concrete structuresWinter, George,00707111512022-06-27McGraw-Hill4
254A textbook of workshop technology :Khurmi, R.S.812190868X2022-06-17Publication division of nirja construction & development,23
255Modern Architecture :Frampton , Kenneth .97805002044432022-05-26Thames & Hudson ,0
256Practical Non Destructive Testing /Raj, Baldev.97881731979702022-05-21Narosa Publishing Houses ,25
257Vector Mechanics For Engineers :2022-05-20Tata McGraw Hill Education,1
258Atomic and nuclear physics :Subrahmanyam N8121904145 | 97881210041482022-05-18S Chand & Company200
259A treatise on object-oriented programming using C++ /B. Chandra.2022-05-17Narosa Publishing House,2
260C# 2008 :Lee, Wei-Meng.9780470285817 (paper/website) | 0470285818 (paper/website) | 97804702858172022-05-17Wiley Pub.,2
261A text book of electrical technology :Theraja, B. L.81219029082022-05-17S. Chand & Company11
262Degarmo's materials and processes in manufacturing :Black, J. T.97881265404642022-05-17John Wiley &Sons ;8
263Financial Management : Khan, M Y2022-04-29McGraw-Hill,3
264Differential Calculas :Das B C81856244372022-04-28U. N. Dhur &Sons3
265Basic financial management /Khan, M Y.007040223x2022-04-26Tata McGraw-Hill,5
266English grammar in use :Murphy, Raymond.81759609142022-04-25Cambridge University Press,2
267Management /Kreitner, Robert81747308932022-04-25A.I.T.B.S. ,6
268Engineering mechanics :Merian, J.L2022-04-25Wiley ,3
269College mathematical methods , Volume 1 :Abdur Rahman2022-04-25Nahar Book Depot & Publications ,8
270Operating systems :Stallings, William97881317252832022-04-25Pearson Education, Inc.,7
271Object oriented programming :Sengupta, Probal.81203125892022-04-22Prentice-Hall of India,10
272Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics Including Hydraulic machines:Modi, P.N.81900893742022-04-21Standard Book House,3
273Microprocessors and interfacing :Hall, Douglas V.0070257426 (text) | 0070257434 (experiments manual) | 0070257442 (instructor's manual) | 00746363912022-04-19Glencoe; | Tata McGraw-Hill,4
274Artificial intelligence :Russell, Stuart J.0131038052 | 81780855422022-04-19Prentice Hall,15
275A text book on coordinate geometry :Rahman, A.F.M. Abdur.2022-04-18S.Chakraborty,2
276A text book of electrical technology :Theraja, B. L.81219029082022-04-13S. Chand & company,2
277Engineering mechanics :Merian, J.L2022-04-12Wiley ,2
278Engineering mechanics.Hibbeler, R. C.0023540700 | 81780817412022-04-12Pearson Education,4
279Switchgear protection and power systems :Rao, Sunil S.81740923232022-04-05Khanna Publishers ,3
280Aerodynamics for Engineering Students /Houghton, E.L.9788123904290 | 81239042902022-04-05CBS Pub ,15
281The Intel microprocessors :Brey, Barry B.8120321215882022-04-05Prentice Hall,3
282Introduction to Environmental Impact Assessment /Glasson, John.9781138600751 (pbk) | 9781138600744 (hbk) | 9780429470738 (ebk)2022-03-24Routledge ,24
283Satellite Communications /Maini, Anil K.97881265207182022-03-21John Wiley & Sons ,10
284Software Engineering /Vliet, Hans Van.97881265273732022-03-16John Wiley & Sons,10
285A Text Book of Surveying and Levelling /Agor, R.2022-03-14Khanna Publications1
286Light Aircraft Maintenance :Heywood, J.E.81759804272022-03-092
287Modern economic theory :Dewett, Kewal Krishan.81219053112022-02-27Shyam Lal Charitable Trust; sole distributors: S. Chand,32
288Wastewater Engineering :00709946172022-02-12McGraw-Hill,4
289Matrices :Khanna, M.L.2022-02-11Jai prakash nath ,19
290Introduction to Solid State Physics /Kittel, Charles.99715118002022-02-09John Wiley & Sons ,14
291Physics :Halliday, David,0471320579 (v. 1 : acidfree paper) | 9788126510894 | 0471401943 (v. 2 : acidfree paper)2022-02-08Wiley,6
292Thermodynamics and Heat Engins /Yadav, R.818544403x2022-02-08Central Publishing,1
293Surveying :Punmia, B. C.81700885342022-02-05Laxmi Publications,2
294Data Communications and computer networks /Gupta, Prakash C.97881203486462022-02-02Prentic-Hall3
295A course in power systems /Gupta, J. B.818845852X | 97881884585232022-01-17S.K. Kataria & Sons,1
296OCA Oracle9i associate DBA certification exam guide /Couchman, Jason S.007222536X (book & CDROM) | 0072225378 (book) | 0072225386 (CDROM) | 00704989382022-01-17McGraw-Hill/Osborne : | Oracle Press; Tata McGraw-Hill,5
297Engineering materials :Budinski, Kenneth G.0130305332 | 81203215292022-01-14Prentice Hall,4
298Basic accounting /Hafiz Uddin, Muhammad2022-01-10Angel,1
299Semiconductor circuit approximations :Malvino, Albert Paul.00703989842022-01-07McGraw-Hill; | Tata McGraw-Hill;49
300Elements of quantum mechanics / Singh, Kamal8121925398 | 97881219253962021-12-31 S.Chand,1
301Schaum's outline of theory and problems of engineering mechanics :Mclean, W.G. 00709906112021-12-27McGraw-Hill,11
302Principles of communication systems /Taub, Herbert,0070629552 (text) | 0070629560 (solutions manual) | 00746245632021-12-27McGraw-Hill,1
303Project Management :Meredith, Jack R.97881265687652021-12-22John Wiley & Sons,50
304Digital systems :Tocci, Ronald J.8120309855 | 01329320082021-12-22Prentice Hall,60
305Digital systems :Tocci, Ronald J.0130856347 | 01308964112021-12-22Prentice Hall,14
306Digital Signal Processing :Mitra, Sanjit K.139780070667563 | 10007066756-X | 97800706675632021-12-20Tata McGraw- Hill14
307Digital design : Johnson, Everett L.053406972x2021-12-13 PWS Engineering,5
308Electromagnetic Fields and Waves /Lorrain, Paul.2021-12-13CBS Publishers & Distributors ,21
309Practical physics : Ahmad, Gasuddin.2021-12-10Hafiz Book Center,26
310Human Physiology :Silverthorn, Dee Unglaub.97993325775412021-12-03Pearson Education ,6
311Introduction to Oil and Gas Operational Safety :9780415730785 | 97813158499112021-12-02Routledge ,16
312Presentation & public speaking :97898433518382021-12-02Classic Publications 92
313Air Pollution Control Equipment :Theodore, L.(Editor)9783642851469 | 97836428514452021-11-30Springer-Verlag ,10
314Industrial Engineering and Management :Barnes Ralph M.2021-11-30McGraw-Hill ,20
315101 Things I Learned in Architecture School /Frederick, Matthew.97802620626642021-11-30The MIT Press ,10
316Time-saver standards for building types /De Chiara, Joseph,00701627942021-11-26McGraw-Hill,2
317Hydraulics and the fluid mechanics /Lewitt, E. H.2021-11-16The English Language Book Society,45
318Semiconductor Devices :Gupta, Nandita Das.97881203239882021-11-10PHI Learing,2
319Digital signal processing :Smith, Steven W.075067444X | 97881312032862021-11-10Newnes,15
320Computer graphics :978-81-317-0505-62021-11-04Pearson Education68
321Power electronics :Rashid, Muhammad H.013678996X | 81780873082021-10-28Prentice Hall ; | Pearson ,2
322Power electronics :Rashid, Muhammad H.013678996X | 81203086972021-10-28Prentice Hall,16
323Digital systems :Tocci, Ronald J.0131725793 | 97881317272492021-10-27Pearson Prentice Hall ; | Dorling Kindersley,7
324Java :Schildt, Herbert.0072230738 (pbk.)2021-10-27Tata McGraw-Hill,2
325The essentials of physical chemistry:Bahl, Arun0878916202 | 81219297842021-10-22S. Chand & Company, 3
326College mathematical methods , Volume 1 :Abdur Rahman2021-10-22Nahar Book Depot.,468
327Fluid mechanics :Jain, A.K.18740919472021-10-22Khanna,11
328Flight without formulae:Kermode, Alfred Cotterill.97881317138912021-10-19Pearson ;6
329Physics :Halliday, David.2021-10-18Wiley,4
330Marketing Management :Gupta, Prachi (Contributor).97893325871062021-10-15Pearson Education ,33
331Radar :Edde, Byron.0137523467 : | 81317138302021-10-15Pearson Education ; | Dorling Kindersley,4
332Dynamics of flight :Etkin, Bernard.97881265289122021-10-14Wiley India,19
333Microprocessors and interfacing :Hall, Douglas V.0070257426 (text) | 0070257434 (experiments manual) | 0070257442 (instructor's manual) | 00746363912021-10-14Glencoe; | Tata McGraw-Hill ,4
334Schaum's outline of theory and problems of engineering mechanics :Nelson, E. W.9780070586123 | 00705861282021-10-14 Tata McGraw-Hill,10
335Microprocessors and interfacing :Hall, Douglas V.0070257426 (text) | 0070257434 (experiments manual) | 0070257442 (instructor's manual) | 00711263682021-10-14Glencoe; Tata McGra Hill,21
336Fundamentals of compressible flow /Yahya, S. M.81224146802021-10-14New Age International,2
337Operating systems :Tanenbaum, Andrew S.81203124142021-10-13Prentice-Hall of India;9
338Physics :Halliday, David.2021-10-10Wiley,2
339Network security :Kaufman, Charlie.0130460192 | 97881775841582021-10-08Prentice-Hall,5
340Programming languages :Pratt, Terrence W.01373043232021-10-08Prentice-Hall, 5
341Digital signal processing :Proakis, John G.97881203303062021-10-06Macmillan ;4
342বৈশ্বিক ও আঞ্চলিক প্রেক্ষাপটে বাংলাদেশের অর্থনীতি /মাহমুদ, আনু98470105006222021-10-06অনন্যা,2
343Microprocessors and interfacing :Hall, Douglas V.00746363912021-10-06Glencoe; Tata McGra Hill;14
344B. Sc. physics :Arora, C. L.81219062612021-10-06S. chand,7
345From paragraph to eassay :Imhoof, Maurice.058255232X2021-10-06Longman Group ,42
346C++ :Schildt, Herbert.0078824761 | 00746388072021-10-06Tata McGraw-Hill,13
347Power electronics :Rashid, Muhammad H.0131011405 | 97881317024682021-10-05Pearson/Prentice Hall,1
348A textbook of electrical technology is S. I. units :Theraja, B. L.81219114272021-10-05S. Chand,12
349Optical fiber communications :Senior, John M.,0136354262 : | 81203088242021-10-05Prentice Hall,10
350Probability & statistics :9780131877115 (hbk.) | 0131877119 (hbk.) | 97881317155292021-10-05Pearson Education ;53
351Physics of semiconductor devices /Sze, S. M.,04710566182021-10-05Wiley,45
352Engineering ethics :Harris, C. E.0534533973 (pbk./CDROM : alk. paper)2021-10-05Estern Press,115
353Wireless digital communications :Feher, Kamilo.0130986178 | 81203147272021-10-05Prentice-Hall PTR,22
354Aircraft instruments :Pallett, E. H. J.9788131728130 | 0273015397 2021-10-04Pitman,2
355Data structures and the standard template library /Collins, William J.00723696552021-10-04McGraw-Hill,5
356Business data communications /Stallings, William.9780136067412 | 0136067417 | 97881317252832021-10-04Pearson/Prentice Hall,1
357Numerical methods :Rao, S. Balachandra.817371472X2021-10-04Universities Press40
358Physics for Engineers. Ahmad, Gias Uddin 2021-10-01Hafiz Book Centre, 1
359The complete reference :Schildt, Herbert.9780070532465 | 007053246X2021-10-01McGraw-Hill,10
360Schaum's outlines :9780071615693 (alk. paper) | 0071615695 (alk. paper) | 00709901072021-10-01McGraw-Hill Book Company,17
361Heat and thermodynamics :Zemansky, Mark Waldo,0070170592 (acidfree paper) | 9780070700232 | 00707003542021-10-01McGraw-Hill; | Tata McGraw-Hill,2
362Modern compressible flow :Anderson, John David.00712413612021-09-30McGraw-Hill,18
363Presentation & public speaking :97898433518382021-09-29Classic Publications 100
364Concrete mathematics :Graham, Ronald L.,9788131708415 | 98140533252021-09-29Dorling Kindersley,52
365Neural networks and artificial intelligence for biomedical engineeringHudson, Donna L.81203184202021-09-28Prentice hall, 5
366Mobile cellular telecommunications :Lee, William C. Y.0070380899 (alk. paper) : | 00711347942021-09-28McGraw-Hill,25
367Power electronics :Rashid, Muhammad H.97893325184452021-09-27Dorling Kindersley,20
368Estimating and costing in civil Engineering :Dutta, B.N.8174762132 | 97881747621392021-09-27UBS Publisher,39
369Energy resources of bangladesh :Imam,Badrul.98480902012021-09-24University Grants Commission of Bangladesh ,13
370Artificial intelligence :Luger, George F.0201648660 | 81780849102021-09-24Pearson Education,7
371Engineering metallurgy :Higgins, Raymond Aurelius.817649027x2021-09-22Viva Books,13
372Digital communications :Sklar, Bernard.0130847887 | 81775844052021-09-22Pearson Education ; | Dorling Kindersley,10
373Digital principles and applications /Leach, Donald P.00704725802021-09-22Tata McGraw-Hill,10
374Nuclear physics:Roy, R. R.978-81-224-3410-12021-09-21Wiley. | New age international,2
375Java :Schildt, Herbert.00705987892021-09-20McGraw-Hill ; | Tata McGraw-Hill,8
376Numerical methods :Rao, Balachandra S.81737104732021-09-20University press, 63
377Electronic circuits :Neamen , Donald A.9780070634336 | 00706343352021-09-17McGraw Hill Education ;60
378Estimating and costing in civil engineering :Dutta, B.N.97881747672952021-09-16UBS Publishers Distributors ,48
379Electrical power systems :Bandyopadhyay, M. N.97881203278322021-09-16PHI Learning,5
380Pulse, digital, and switching waveforms :Millman, Jacob, 00746224472021-09-15 Tata McGraw-Hill,44
381Java :Schildt, Herbert.007063677x2021-09-15Tata McGraw-Hill,60
382Surveying :Punmia, B.C.700805412021-09-14Laxmi Publications;2
383Intermediate English Grammar :81856185182021-09-14Camburdge University Press,5
384Practical chemistry :Pandey, O.P.81219081242021-09-03S. Chand & Company22
385Environmental impact assessment :Abbasi, S.A.8176484423 | 81714155472021-08-11Discovery Publishing House3
386How to write first-class business correspondence :Baugh, L. Sue.0844234052 : | 81856176432021-08-11NTC Pub. Group,53
387A textbook of electrical technology is S. I. units :Theraja, B. L.81219114272021-08-02S. Chand,78
388Wastewater Treatment for Pollution ControlArceivala, Soli J0074630024 | 97800746300202021-08-02Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company4
389Clinical Engineering :Miniati, Roberto.97801280376762021-07-29Elsevier/ Academic Press ,20
390Thermodynamics :Çengel, Yunus A.0072884959 (hard copy : alk. paper) | 139780072884951 | 00728849592021-07-20McGraw-Hill Higher Education,3
391Artificial intelligence :Russell, Stuart J.0137903952 | 97881775836702021-07-15Prentice Hall/Pearson Education,40
392Artificial intelligence :Russell, Stuart 97893325186982021-07-15Prentice Hall/Pearson Education,5
393Properties of concrete /Neville, Adam M.9780582275607 | 05822756012021-06-25ELBS,1
394Computer organization and architecture :Stallings, William.9780136073734 | 97881317324582021-06-25Prentice Hall,5
395Operating systems :Stallings, William.0131479547 | 9780131479548 | 0131278371 (pbk.) | 9780131278370 (pbk.)2021-06-24Pearson/Prentice Hall ; | Dorling kindersley pvt. ltd,3
396Fluid mechanics :Quamrul Islam .98451800002021-06-22Usha Art Press ,71
397Essentials of physical chemistry :Bahl, B.S.812190546X2021-06-16S.Chand ,19
398Vector mechanics for engineers :97812590296462021-06-15McGraw Hill ;10
399Physics :Halliday, David,08522635542021-06-14Wiley Eastern Limited;1
400Concepts of electricity and magnetism /Rafiquallah, A. K.2021-06-14Students Publication ,230
401Microprocessors :Rafiquzzaman, M.97881203084802021-06-14Prentice-hall,11
402A textbook on integral calculus :Mohammad, Khosh.2021-06-09S.Chakraborty Gonith Prokashon ,2
403Global Warming, Natural Hazards, And Emergency Management /97814200818242021-06-06CRC Press ,10
404Modeling Groundwater Flow and Contaminant Transport /Bear, Jacob.97814020668182021-06-02Springer ,10
405The Theory and Practice of Corparate Communication :Belasen, Alan T.97814129503502021-05-31Sage Publications ,10
406Environmental Management :Russo, Michael V.9784129584932021-05-31Sage Publication ,11
407Operations Management /Stevenson, William J.9789353163419 | 93531634122021-05-25McGraw-Hill,50
408A textbook of fluid mechanics :Rajput, R. K.81219166742021-05-19S. Chand & company1
409Sociology :Hughes, Michael0070311447(alk. paper) | 00703114472021-05-13McGraw-Hill College,2
410Soil mechanics and foundation engineering :Arora, K.R.81801411282021-05-12Standard Publishers Distributors,14
411Wastewater engineering :0070418780 (alk. paper) | 0071122508 (ISE) | 00704953942021-05-12McGraw-Hill ; | Tata McGraw-Hil,22
412Modern Physics :Theraja, B.L.81219016322021-05-10S. Chand & Company ;312
413English phonetics and phonology :Roach, Peter05210085222021-05-10Cambridge University Press ; | Replika Press,13
414Discrete mathematics and its applications :Rosen, Kenneth H.0070681880 | 9780006818802021-05-07McGraw-Hill Education India,55
415Strength of materials :Khurmi, R.S.81219282222021-05-07S. Chand,6
416Engineering metallurgy :Higgins, Raymond Aurelius.0340568305 (pbk.) | 8176490272021-05-07Viva Books Private Limited,27
417College mathematical methods , Volume 1 :Abdur Rahman2021-04-14Nahar Book Depot & Publications ,145
418Computer organization and design :Patterson, David A.1568606041 | 81814753482021-04-14Morgan Kaufmann Publishers ; | Elsevier Inc.,6
419Intermediate English Grammar :Murphy, Raymond.81756909142021-04-14Camburdge University Press,5
420Oracle database 11g :Loney, Kevin.9780071598750 (alk. paper) | 9780070140790 | 0071598758 | 00701407902021-04-14Tata McGraw-Hill,34
421Software engineering :Pressman, Roger S.0072853182 (alk. paper)2021-04-14McGraw-Hill,43
422Nuclear systems volum-1 :Todreas, Neil E.08911693502021-04-1325
423Water supply & sanitation :Ahmed, M. Feroze.98431093682021-04-13ITN-Bangladesh, Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management, BUET,11
424A text book of OpticsSubrahmanyam,N.8121904676 | 97881219261192021-04-13S.Chand & Company6
425Organizational behavior :Robbins, Stephen P.812031350X2021-04-13Prentice-Hall of India ,25
426Wastewater engineering :0070416907 : | 00746224712021-04-13McGraw-Hill,49
427Digital signal processing :Ifeachor, Emmanuel C.9788131708248 | 81780860932021-04-13Pearson Education ; | Dorling Kindersley Publishing ,82
428Statistical Techniques in Business & Economics /Lind, Douglas A.9789352605545 | 93526055432021-04-12McGraw Hill ,50
429A textbook on integral calculas :Mohammad,Khosh.2021-04-12S.Chakraborty Gonith Prokashon ,97
430Digital design :Wakerly, John F.0131863894 | 81203302182021-04-12Pearson/Prentice Hall,3
431Schaum's outlines :Spiegel, Murray R.9780071615693 (alk. paper) | 0071615695 (alk. paper) | 00711649442021-04-12McGraw-Hill,95
432Engineering principles of ground modification /Hausmann, Manfred R.0070272794 : | 0071007407 | 97800710074052021-04-09McGraw-Hill,1
433Principles of naval architecture:Lewis , Edward V.09397730152021-04-06Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers,20
434Nuclear reactor :Guillen, Donna Post.97895351098772021-04-05In Tech ,25
435Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers :Montgomery, Douglas C.97881265629472021-04-01John Wiley & Sons ,10
436Numerical Methods in Science and Engineering /Kumar, Sudhir .97893862176462021-04-01CBS Publishers & Distributors ,10
437C++ :Schildt, Herbert.9780070532465 | 007053246X2021-04-01Tata McGraw-hill,38
438Computer organization and architecture :Stallings, William.0131856448 | 97881203296212021-04-01Pearson/Prentice Hall ; | PHI learning pvt. ltd,12
439manufactyring technologyRao,P N97800700876992021-04-01McGraw-Hill :10
440Transportation engineering :Khisty, C. Jotin,0130335606 (alk. paper) | 97881203221272021-04-01Prentice Hall; | PHI Learningl,68
441A text book of electrical technology :Theraja, B. L. 8121911419 | 812192667X2021-04-01Niraj Prakashan; | S. Chand & Company LTD,24
442Operations research :Taha, Hamdy A.97893528652772021-03-30Pearson Education ,32
443Numerical analysis :Goel, B.S.2021-03-30Pragati prakashan,9
444Electrical services for buildings and industries :Talukder, Shah Alam.97898433785692021-03-30Shah Alam Talukder ,20
445Medical instrumentation :97881265537922021-03-30Wiley,6
446Internal combustion engines :Ramalingam, K.K.81873282232021-03-30Scitech Publication ,2
447Introduction to robotics :Niku, Saeed B.9780470604465 (hbk. : alk. paper) | 97881265331212021-03-30Wiley,38
448Fluid Mechanics : Quamrul Islam.98451800002021-03-30World University Press,21
449Sociology :Rao,C N Shankar81219103662021-03-30S.Chand,63
450Vibrations and stability :Thomsen, Jon Juel,3540401407 (alk. paper) | 818128559X2021-03-29Springer,2
451Water supply & sanitation :Ahmed, M. Feroze98431093682021-03-29ITN-Bangladesh,11
452Introduction to operations research /9789339221850 | 9339221850 | 9789339221980 (E-Book) | 9339221982 2021-03-29McGraw-Hill Higher Education,50
453 Water supply & sanitation :Ahmed, M. Feroze.98431093682021-03-29ITN-Bangladesh,73
454A textbook on integral calculas :Mohammad,Khosh.2021-03-26S.Chakraborty Gonith Prokashon ,83
455Accounting principles :Weygandt ,Jerry J.9781183236632021-03-2695
456Physics:Halliday, David08226772X2021-03-26ill. ;21
457Project management, planning, and control :Lester, Albert.97893812694352021-03-25Elsevier,101
458College mathematical methods, Volume 2 :Rahman, Md. Abdur.2021-03-25Nahar Book Depot,84
459Computational fluid dynamics :Anderson, John D.,9781259025969 | 1012590259692021-03-25McGraw-Hill Education (India),39
460Irrigation :Israelsen,Orson W.97881775411062021-03-25Axis Books,20
461Computational fluid dynamics :Anderson, John D00711321042021-03-25McGraw-Hill,7
462Introduction to Human Factors and Ergonomics /Bridger, R.S.9781498795944 | 97814987961182021-03-24CRC Taylor & Francis ,80
463Management of occupational safety :Hafizur Rahman, Mohammad .97898420005772021-03-24Adorn publication ,28
464Mechanics of machines:Hannah, John,0713132531 | 071313254X (pbk) | 81764907842021-03-24Edward Arnold; Viva Books Private Limited,6
465Vector mechanics for engineers :Beer, Ferdinand Pierre,00705882872021-03-24McGraw-Hill,13
466Mechanics of machines :Hannah, John,0713134712 (pbk.) | 81764967902021-03-24Viva Books Private Limited,11
467Numerical methods for engineers :Chapra, Steven C.0072431938 (alk. paper)2021-03-24McGraw-Hill,22
468CMOS VLSI design :Weste , Neil H.97893325428842021-03-23Pearson India Education ;44
469Microelectronic circuits :Sedra, Adel S.9780198089131 | 01980891392021-03-23Oxford University ;45
470Switchgear protection and power systems :Rao, Sunil S.81740923232021-03-23Khanna Publishers ;58
471A textbook of electrical technology :Theraja , B.L.8121936500 | 97881219365072021-03-23S. Chand & company ;42
472Optical fiber communications :Senior, John M.,0136354262 : | 81203088242021-03-23Prentice Hall,27
473Linear control system analysis and design :D'Azzo, John J.00711329532021-03-23McGraw-Hill,59
474Microprocessors and interfacing :Hall, Dougals V.9781259006159 | 1259006158 | 00706016742021-03-22 Mcgraw hill Education,112
475Microprocessors and interfacing :Hall, Dougals V.9780070601673 | 00706016742021-03-22Tata mcgraw hill,23
476Electronic devices and circuitsMillman, Jacob,00746224392021-03-22McGraw-Hill1
477The Intel microprocessors :Brey, Barry B.81203215882021-03-22Prentice Hall,7
478The Intel microprocessors :Brey, Barry B.9788120329607 | 81203296002021-03-22Pearson/Prentice Hall,19
479Naval architecture :Baxter B.08526417962021-03-19Charles Griffin & company;35
480Numerical methods for engineers :Chapra, Steven C.0072431938 (alk. paper) | 00704743702021-03-19McGraw-Hill; Tata McGraw-Hill4
481Intermediate english grammar :Murphy, Raymond .052161662X | 05216166382021-03-19Cambridge University Press91
482Optical networks :Ramaswami, Rajiv.9780123740922 | 97893805013762021-03-15Elsevier/Morgan Kaufmann,4
483A text book on coordinate geometry :Rahman, A.F.M. Abdur.2021-03-12S.Chakraborty,1
484Thermodynamics :�Cengel, Yunus A.9780073529325 (hardcover : alk. paper) | 007352932X (hardcover : alk. paper) | 97800710725402021-03-12McGraw-Hill,47
485A text book on coordinate geometry :Abdur Rahman, A.F.M. 2021-03-11S.Bhattacharjee,42
486A textbook of fluid mechanics :Rajput, R. K.81219166742021-03-10S. Chand & company13
487Vector mechanics for engineers :97812590629192021-03-08McGraw Hill ;56
488Fluid mechaincs :Rajput, R. K.81219166742021-03-03S. Chand;15
489Marketing Management /Winer, Russ .97893325431402021-03-02Pearson Education,24
490At Risk :Wisner, Ben.9780415252156 (hbk) | 9780415252164 (pbk)2021-03-02Routledge, 10
491Environmental Hazards :Smith, Keith.9780415681059 (hbk) | 9780415681063 (pbk) | 9780203805305 (enk)2021-03-02Routledge, 10
492A textbook on integral calculus :Mohammad,Khosh.2021-03-01S.Chakraborty Gonith Prokashon ,123
493Fluid mechanics :Islam, Md. Quamrul98431092302021-02-23Islamic University of Technology,31
494Artificial intelligence :Russell, Stuart J.97893325435152021-02-23Prentice Hall/Pearson Education,41
495CMOS VLSI design :Weste, Neil H. E.9788177585681 | 03211490172021-02-15Pearson/Addison-Wesley,125
496CAD/CAM :Zeid, Ibrahim.9780070151345 | 00701513422021-02-10McGraw Hill Education,50
497Fundamentals of Machining and Machine Tools /Boothroyd, Geoffrey.9781385022462021-02-10CRC Taylor & Francis,50
498CAD/CAM :Groover, Mikell P.97881775841652021-02-10Pearson Education,66
499Software engineering :Pressman, Roger S.9780073375977 (hard copy : alk. paper) | 0073375977 (hard copy : alk. paper)2021-02-10McGraw-Hill Higher Education,15
500Basic Ship PropulsionGhose ,J. P.97893836493892021-02-09KW Publishers,3